
Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Remember when this was weird?



  1. Still is. I've been yelling "freak!" A lot lately.

  2. It still is, at least to me....

  3. The title is really telling. I was born in 1974, and we used to ride our bikes around town looking for Crazy Eddie, he was a crazy old tranny who would go out on his tricycle garbage picking.
    If you found him you'd follow around on your bike. Not too close. Don't let him touch you... he wore skirts and stockings and heels, was clearly all fucked up in the head... the townspeople tolerated it and him, so long as nothing ever got serious. Worst we did was decorate his lawn with pink flamingos.
    He was never invited to read children's stories at rhe local library.

  4. It is weird. That guy in the stripe top with his hands in his pockets is likely a Cis gender, white working class, church going, father. That sick son of a bitch has got some nerve flaunting those sick traits in public.

    1. You forgot that he's oozing toxic masculinity, otherwise a very, very solid witty retort.

  5. It still is weird. We are just getting numb to this shit

  6. It's what happened when the Democrats closed the funny farms.

  7. Should have put him down then. Little did we know. Least they are easy to spot.

  8. Nature does have its way of displaying warnings. Too bad nobody pays attention anymore.

  9. I remember when that would have been beaten to a puddle on the ground then run outta town. Course, I lived in a small town. Queerphopia? Fuck no, we protected our kids at all costs.

  10. You just KNOW what he likes, and thankfully and outfit like that scares the beejeezus out of kids.
    The nice part is the ease of adjusting for range in low light conditions.
    Or are we looking for a more personal interaction?

  11. Cowboy Ferd has a bladder infection and is catching his "spillage" in his Wellingtons. Just a guess.

  12. You must admit, the boots really do make the outfit. Classy.

    1. I was so taken with the pink Wellies that I failed to notice the pink cowboy hat on initial inspection. Could the pink panther here be a fellow Texan?

  13. That's a ballsy outfit. I'm not sure if I should cringe or be impressed that he barely pulled it off; still needs a lot of work. I would opt for a longer skirt or shorts for decency but that's me. Bonus points if the pink jacket has "Bad Man" embroidered on the back of it. I still need to get me a "Vegeta Badman Shirt", but I might get shot wearing it in Texas. He might be a stripper and this is simply what a customer ordered, easier to show up in outfit than change.

    I could see myself wearing some crazy outfit like this if I wanted to go attention seeking or stand out like a sore thumb. IMHO, pink contrasts with indomitable masculinity and only men that are diesel, shredded, or wild sexual animals get to wear it and have it work in their favor; men someone wouldn't dare smart off too lest they were looking to get folded into a pretzel. Think of it as a dare. 'I wear what I want and I dare ya to say something about my flamboyant pink handbag.'

    As long as he maintains decency and keeps the jewels suitably covered, whatever; he's dressed better than a lot of the demon freak things running around.

    - Arc

  14. Joining the chorus here. It's still weird to me, and I chuckle just loud enough when I sight one.

  15. The bag needs to be big. Though I shake my head looking at it, he has to have a set of balls big enough to fill it dressed like that.


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