
Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Stabby fucker, ain't he?

An inmate attacked another inmate with a homemade shank inside the Davidson County Correctional Center on Harding Place on July 24, at 6:30 p.m., according to the Davidson County Sheriff's Office supervisor. The victim was hit six times, including twice in the head, but sustained minor injuries.

A motive for the physical altercation is unknown.

The attacker is identified as Quinland Foxx. He also attempted to stab another inmate after the previous attempt, but failed, the supervisor said.


  1. I always thought Puerto Ricans were the exclusive PhDs of shiving, but it appears once again affirmative action has made it's mark in the race arena

  2. A “yout”. Big surprise. Remember “Shawshank Redemption”? What needs to happen here is what the guard captain Byron Hadley did to Bogs Diamond: he beat the shit out of him.


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