
Monday, August 21, 2023

Technology helps with early detection of weapons in schools

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A junior at East High School was arrested Monday for carrying a gun on school property. Metro Police said a concerned student notified school administrators who then found a loaded 9mm handgun in the 11th-grader’s backpack. 

As these types of incidents happen, companies are coming up with ways to detect weapons in schools faster.


  1. No manmade device is 100% fool proof. Catch a turd carrying in school, call an assembly then first offence, cut the kid's dominant hand off and mangle the other hand's fingers. Second offence give the kid a medal for figuring out how to adapt to the handicap

    1. Homeschooling is effective.

    2. But there's all kinds of guns in my house... oh wait, my kids aren't psychopaths.

    3. Your kids aren't psychopaths? Probably because they have parents that care and interact with them.

      Yes, I know, sometimes a kids is just bent. But most of today's problems with psychopathic kids are nuture, not nature.

  2. But it doesn't keep out the Left's weapon...pedophiles and drag queens grooming the kids. Those are the real weapons.

  3. Homeschooling is pretty effective.

  4. Technology helps with early detection...

    "Hi, we're from Technology and we're here to help."

  5. Increase surveillance and decrease privacy sounds good.
    Shock collars for the incorrigible students.
    Why did the kid think he needed a gun at school?

  6. It appears that someone hasta notify the authorities first, about a potential surveillance, why not get AI technology involved, or algorythms, like FB does to shut down potential nasty folk? Hey, it might be invasive to privacy, but it sure beats the hell outta some freak being able to massacre some kids...and if'n you got nuthin to hide, then just shut the fuck up...

    1. I bet you're in favor of red flag laws too.

    2. You should follow the advice of your last 4 words.

    3. Hahahaha!!!!!!

    4. Why did I read that in a German accent with visions of goosestepping students marching across the quad.

  7. Convienient that this happened on the first day of Gov. Lee's Special Gun Control session of the legislature.

    BTW, isn't it illegal to carry on school grounds?? (I would have said something about the kid's age, but in Nashville, it's entirely possible that a high-school junior could be over 21.)

  8. The technology for spotting concealed weapons on a person is reasonably easy to come by. It's if they are carrying off person that it becomes more difficult.

  9. field test for later. we turn our schools into walled camps, and then later act shocked when the kids demand a police state. we acclimated them to it. it's what they're used to. and we did it to them.

  10. We used to carry guns on the school bus to put in the coat room so we could go hunting after school. No one shot...probably because people understood you shouldn't shoot people and if you did you might get shot back. Also, we had discipline, courtesy, respect and a moral compass things sadly missing from today's yutes unless the previously mentioned home schooling is utilized.

    Today schools are more interested in teaching the kids crap social justice agendas and turning them into the little nightmares they want technology to protect them against.

    1. Amazing how fast our society has declined. LBJ's "Great Society" turned out to be a catalyst for blowing up the greatest society in history. I shudder to think what the next 50 years brings.

    2. "I shudder to think what the next 50 years brings."

      North Korea...


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