
Wednesday, August 02, 2023


DETROIT (FOX 2) - Nearly 40 shots were fired between two groups of people Saturday in Detroit.

A surveillance camera at a home on Manor near Puritan captured the chaos - shots coming from inside a car and from teens who were walking down the street.


  1. Hold the parents accountable for the damage and crimes committed by the little shits.

    1. It wouldn't do a thing. The parent DO NOT CARE, and typically, they have what can you take from them? Maybe their welfare and HUD housing...but that would be no one gets accountable and the chaos continues. Plus it is no one's fault but whitey. If only we had picked our own damned cotton, none of this would have happened. It's our fault doncha know.

    2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah

    3. 'If only we'd have picked our own cotton.'

      That phrase is borne of ignorance. And it perpetuates that ignorance as well as continue with the falsity that the South was to blame.

      The truth is black slaves were in America long before being in the south. The first blacks were shipped into the South via Virginia but originating in the New England states.

    4. Delaware still had slaves after the Civil War. Took an act of Congress to stop those evil northerners to stop, in 1868.

  2. It's those damn Amish kids on Rumspringa again.

    1. I was just gonna say...
      We need to put these feral little animals on a reservation, with all the other... amish.

  3. Teens? That's ageism! Androgynous unmelanisticised hominids utilising smokeless wireless remote perforato

  4. Round the little bastards up, put em in a pit surrounded by concertina wire and Trump's wall, and give em all guns....put the ammo in the middle and turn em loose....should solve......something....

    1. You forgot “Pay Per View” LIVE all proceeds go for the next bigger and better gauntlets and traps.

    2. Getto cage fighting. Probably would be the number one show.

  5. What should be done about Americas Criminal Class?

  6. My mother grew up in a house on St. Marys just off Puritan. When we were kids back in the 60's we'd go visit Granpa and Grandma and play outside all day. Believe it or not that area was once a really great place to live. Grandma would call the neighborhoor grocer over on Puritan with an order and they would send a kid over with the order in the cartons stuff came to the store in. Nowadays they call that "Door Dash" and "Recycling" like it was just invented. Weirdly that house is still there and actually looks good according to google street view. The area all around it looks like it got hit with a B-52 strike.

  7. BooBoo: Is it "them" again, Yogi?

    Yogi Bear: YES, damn it, BooBoo! Its ALWAYS "them". So stop asking, already!

  8. 40 shots fired. No one hurt. Who says you can't walk down the mean skreets of the ghet-to safely?

  9. 36 shots fired and no one was hit? C'mon, those teens should practice more...

  10. Is blurring the video of misbehaving "teens" going to be the next trend in TV news reporting?

    1. Here in Oz, some moronic pervert was arrested for bestiality with two female sheep and a male goat.

      The press report concealed the eyes of the sheep, and blurred the face of the goat!!!.

  11. Maybe they were just acting out after hearing about the death of Pee-Wee.


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