
Thursday, August 31, 2023

That's it, blame the victim

SACRAMENTO -- Neighbors in Land Park are fed up that their local Target store at Riverside and Broadway has become a near-nightly target of thieves, calling the store a "bad neighbor."


  1. But they'll scream racism when it closes due to theft losses.

  2. Just like Shit-Cargo & Philly suing Kia because their cars are "easy" to steal. Simple minds = simple solutions.

  3. whats wrong? i was under the impression that you wanted this to express your "Virtue" to the media and the pols. you voted for it. enjoy. stop complaining.

  4. They don't call it 'Target' for nothing, ya know.

  5. Normally I'd recommend an application of Roof Koreans to clear the problem up but it's self-inflicted by Target corporate policy and by the voters in a state where many view looting as some sort of cultural celebration. F--k 'em! They're already in Sacramento - go get Newsome and drag him into - literally.

  6. As long as companies fire employees that interrupt or stop thieves, the thieving will continue. I've watched people go out the front doors at Albertsons with carts full of foods and/or cosmetics that never went through the check stands. Best Buy fired an employee that stopped a thief with a laptop. Somehow, corporate American got it in their heads that theft is OK and the rest of us should pay for it.

  7. This idiocy is not dissimilar to the ghetto rats rioting and burning down businesses in their neighborhoods.

  8. gonna be a department store "desert" there.

  9. Even if Target took more proactive measures, the critters would not be prosecuted. And, Target would be open to more law suits. It's hard to blame them. Blame the laws and DA's.

  10. Well... target is very anti-white.


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