
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

TIPPU TIP - Notorious Slaver

The West African Trans-Atlantic slave trade seems to be the only version that is taught or even discussed. However, the East African slave trade, conducted by the Muslims lasted much longer, and saw more human beings sold into slavery than any other location in history beginning in the late 8th century.  It has been estimated that during this period at least 18 million Africans were captured and sold by the Arab Muslims who dominated north and east Africa, and the practice still exists in the shadows today.

VIDEO HERE  (13:37 minutes)


  1. & over 1 million white Europeans were enslaved via Barbary Coast slave trade...

    Wheres eye gits my reparations??


    1. "White Gold" by Giles Milton is a good account of this.

  2. Who cares? Dem Muslims ain't payin' no reparations...

  3. Comanche slavers. After the Spaniards and the French settled parts of the American continent, they began to trade with native Americans. The Comanche were the main beneficiaries of this trade. The obtained horses and then firearms. They expanded their influence in the central part of the country and began selling/trading slaves they captured during their raids on other indigenous tribes. This lucrative business continued until they were finally decimated by the western expansion and the government's assault on the bison. Like other tribes the infections from smallpox and other diseases brought by the white man decimated their numbers. But for almost two centuries they were the Indian version of the Mafia.

  4. I've heard there are over 750,000 slaves today in Africa. Where's blm ?

  5. Imagine how exhausting it would have been to make blacks work. I bet their whip arms were just huge.

    1. Oh man I nearly burst my sides laughing so hard

    2. We wuz Kangz n sheeeeit !

    3. Wins the fucking internet for the day, thats for sure.

    4. 10:55 am Funniest thing I've read so far.

  6. The first legal slaveholder in the American colonies was a black man. He sued to keep his property and won. And they say blacks don't respect the law. Ha!


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