
Friday, August 18, 2023

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

ORANGE COUNTY - A postal worker is facing criminal charges after police say he hit three customers. 

The whole thing was caught on camera, but that employee is still on the job. He works the front desk at a post office in Orange County.


  1. The USPS besides having mental health classes for employees dealing with “dog bites mailman” issues should add one for “mailman bitch slaps customer”

  2. Sounds like he will be up for employee of the year, unless one of those newly employed IRS guys shows up with a fully auto .40 SMG.

  3. he's a democrat and as such he is protected from all charges....

  4. There was time when solutions for things like this were simple.

  5. I guess "Going Postal" is back in style. At least he left his AK in his locker and I'm sure his union dues are up to date.

  6. So Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho is moonlighting as a USPS counter boy now? Shoulda stuck with that president gig.


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