
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. - A Florida man was arrested after allegedly spraying a woman with a garden hose amid an argument about being on his property, according to deputies.


  1. I'm surprised thats an arrestable offense? Especially if she actually is on your property.
    I was trying to water the lawn your honor, she kept getting in my way.

    1. If it had been the govt they would have said it was rain...while pissing on you

  2. Was that an AR-15 style, full auto with a high capacity water supply hose?

  3. It was better then shooting her....

  4. Anything physical like that can be grounds for charge for assault (threat of harm) or battery (actual harm). Most of the time these arrests in trivial things like this are made to separate people and turn down the dial so it doesn't escalate into a felonious act. Then the charges are either dropped or the subject is put on one of those "don't do anything stupid for six months and your record will be cleared" things without serving time, but being charged court costs and a small-ish fine.

    I had a friend who was a judge in rural Oklahoma who did something similar to discourage spotlighting (hunting deer at night from a pickup with a spotlight). These guys would be arrested, booked, and released on bail. Then, he would schedule them for trial, but put them at the very end of the docket. The people would have to take time off work and clear their day, and just sit in court listening to minor cases (which is a lot like watching paint dry). Then, 90% of the time, the court wouldn't clear their docket and they'd have to come back the next day, and then the next. Then, when they finally made it in front of the judge, he'd give them a fine and send them on their way. The thought of having to spend a week off work sitting in court was much more of a deterrent than the fine.

  5. Down here in South Texas, they would arrest the fellow for wasting water, or spraying a hose when it isn't the right day of the week for his address. I think we're allowed to stand our ground down here against intruders.


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