
Friday, September 22, 2023

911 call released from military pilot who ejected from F-35 fighter jet

VIDEO HERE  (3 minutes)


  1. It took 36 hours to find to give Bidens chinese friends time to examin it.

  2. I'm no young cutie, but geez Raditch (sp?) is scary looking.

    Some real in-depth global affairs reporting too - good job there ABC!

  3. This story stinks more than a steaming pile of bovine BM's in the summer sun! They LOST a $100M fighter jet for 48HOURS??? And yet, they were rounding up "J6'ers within hours...

    ...Funny, what gets lost and found by this "administration..."

    As Pontius Pilate once said, "What IS truth?"

  4. I'll start of by saying Martha Ratass is an asshole. In addition it looks like the 911 folks are not rocket scientists either

  5. There's a certain irony in naming a fighter plane that can't fly in a thunderstorm 'lightning'. (As reported in Daily Mail. Look it up)
    But that pales in comparison to the chutzpah democrats show by blaming a handful of "MAGA extremists" for not passing a military appropriations bill.
    They got 200+ congressmen, they could easily outvote five republican No's if they wanted. (Upchuck schumer cries about bipartisanship.)
    Hell, only bipartisanship I want to see is more R's voting No like the D's did and stand up for some real fiscal restraint.
    Why spend money on warplanes that can't fly in any weather or to support the Ukrainian dictator?
    (A little off topic- sorry)

  6. Somethings not right here. I saw some speculation that bad weather caused the ejection. That seems unlikely.

  7. There is so much weird shit going on with this

  8. I thought pilots carried radios on their person. Or is that just in movies. Why would he need the services of 911?

  9. As an ex-fighter pilot, I cannot imagine making that call. The first call would have been the the base's Command Post and the second to the flying squadron. The more I hear about this the less it seems like he should have been in a single seat fighter, that's an individual who needs supervision.


  10. How did he call a damn ambulance? Do military radios have phone patchs to the POTS network? Surely he would have called a mayday and his location would have been pinpointed to the inch.

    1. Had you taken the time to actually watch the video, you'd have your answer now, wouldn't you?

  11. The 911 operator is a moron.

    1. It pisses me the hell off that this operator is so damned stupid that she can't understand basic English. I guarantee you that she makes at least $50K per year plus insane Cadillac benefits for herself and her family. I would expect this out of a black or dot-head; but not a Caucasian!

  12. Reminds me of the comedy routine that Robin Williams did many years ago during the early F-117 era.
    What is a stealth bomber? It's a bomber that doesn't show up on radar, and you can't see it. Then we don't need one.
    Just take some aircraft parts and a can of gas and secretly drop the parts in the middle of a field and burn the ground around them with the gas.
    When people ask WTF happened? Just tell them your 'stealth aircraft' crashed, but because no one can see it, no one saw it happen!

    All the foreign governments, especially Russia, will think, "Hey, that's pretty cool! We gotta get us one of those!" So then they go off and spend a hundred billion dollars trying to duplicate a plane that doesn't exist!

    And everyone in the Pentagon is laughing their asses off!

  13. This whole story smells to high heaven.

  14. Everyone seems to gave missed the helicopter footage of the recovery/processing tents, vehicles at (the crash sight?) side of a road, but no video of the debris field. I've already read that the debris field doesn't look like an aircraft crash site. More fake and ghey?

  15. Hey, operator, we got a stranded Marine. No, he's not sure what to do. Can we get an ambulance and maybe some gorditas and some chulapas? Maybe a churro or two while we wait for the ambulance? No operator... he just a green pilot on his first mission. Not sure what protocol is yet. CO? Yeah we know nuting.

  16. I have jumped out of a C2 Greyhound during a WIC (Water Insertion Capability) training exercise during extremely bad weather including lightning and the C2 returned to NI without any problems.


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