
Friday, September 15, 2023

At least he didn't shoot the dog as long as it was there

BERNALILLO, N.M. (KRQE) – A New Mexico family rushing to try and save their dog’s life was stopped and held at gunpoint by police. KRQE obtained the police videos from a traffic stop that still has a family in disbelief.


  1. The cop knows he screwed up and now he's trying to cover up. He needs to be fired immediately since he's obviously not fit to be a cop. Maybe a guy with a broom sweeping the street.

  2. There is a legitimate concern in the profession because people have become more aggressive toward LE. However, this guy was way over the line, is no doubt far too impressed with his perceived authority and most likely a young guy. If he remains in the profession he’ll either change his approach or learn the hard way. There are real bad guys out there.

  3. The story is missing two key pieces of information: How fast was Albrecht driving and how erratic was his "reckless" driving? 10-15 MPH over? Lots of lane changes to pass slower cars? Completely understandable considering the situation. Doing 100MPH and barely missing cars on lane changes? Then it becomes a completely different story.

    Yet another Blue over reaction? That goes without saying.

    I have pets and they're important to me. But I wouldn't endanger my family to save them. Nor would I trade a stranger's life for theirs. Maybe a few people I do know, but not a stranger's.

  4. Pig-licking, blueblood swine have no place among a civilized people and those that willingly put that filthy costume on in this day and age should be regarded as vipers in every aspect of life. They are worse than the cartels because at least the cartels leave common people alone and don't go out of their way to power-trip; not much money in stirring up trouble or drawing attention to themselves.

    Usually the only time I see pigs is when they are filling their ticket quota. Last one we hired for security looked like he was fresh out of the middle east, tatted up, and still in "the life". I'm wary of vets attracted to the power of a badge, it says a lot about their character or lack there-of.

    " “I back the blue. I support the blue. Like, I always want to show him that, you know, you submit to these guys. That you’re supposed to be able to trust them.” " A spectacular display of stupidity with an unbelievable commitment to it. No American should have to get on their knees and submit before the king's redcoats. Disarm the state all together! All of it! The entire government, including the military, needs to be disarmed; they can't be trusted with any degree of power domestically or in foreign lands.

    When I buy a new vehicle, I'm having it armored and equipped with dash cameras, preferably sent to my cloud, as protection against pigs. Trigger happy thugs won't hesitate to shoot through windows because they know nothing will happen; qualified immunity.

    - arc

    1. Talk about blind. I've had quite a few interactions with cops and the good ones far outweigh the bad ones in my experience.
      If you feel that strongly, you're either an asshole that deserves what you get or you live in the wrong place.

    2. I've had nothing but good interactions with the very few cops I've dealt with here, but I'm not the fuck-up I once was, so there's that.

    3. The quality of the law enforcement is different depending on location it seems.. We have a majority of ok deputes but there's a couple assholes, go a couple jurisdictions to my east and the majority are assholes with a good one or two... Fortunately dog killers are rare around here but as a whole we don't tolerate that shit so...

    4. I still have small scars from the last excessive force incident some 10+ years back and the pig did nearly blind me in one eye. Pigs came into my backyard (wrong house) while in plain cloths, piss-poor ID if they IDed at all, branding their pistols and were looking for what I believe was an informant in another house that moved months prior. According to my legal counsel, it wasn't their first “incident” and the department wouldn't remove it from my record and issue a letter of non-statement until after we pressed the issue. Without money and attorneys, a person is effectively screwed.

      I have no criminal history, no warrants, was not belligerent never used illegal drugs, nothing, and their antics nearly derailed my enlistment. It was just another case of excessive state power. They couldn't be arsed to verify if they had the right house out in the sticks. Family didn't want years of legal trouble and debts and the police / city didn't want to be sued, so it got swept under the rug. I never did pay for that MRI the pigs told the hospital to perform on me. I didn't ask for it and I didn't sign for it either.

      I have encountered several several cops throughout my life and none have been pleasant unless I had cash in hand to pay them for private services. Once the cash dried up, I went back to being chattel and they went back to being assholes. Even base police on MCBH were bad and not just for me.

      Hard to wait until I can leave Texas and possibly this country; it's not like this in civilized regions of the world. I loved Japan and Okinawa; people were nice, cops were nice, cab drivers were nice, I don’t recall ANY rude people at all. I hate living in Texas but I'm still tied down here for at least six more years by my GI / Hazelwood benefits. I don't live in the wrong place; it's the pigs that are wrong and they know what they do is wrong but refuse to change or reform. Since they won't reform themselves, it's time to just de-fund and disarm them for better or worse. Our current course of action is not working and its time to try something else. The more I learn and experience about government, corporations, abuses of power, etc, the more jaded and black-pilled I become and I long since grew tired of pretending Texas and the United States are all sunshine and rainbows.

      My apologies that my comments tend to be a bit lengthy.

      - arc

  5. One sensible cop finally shows shows up to deescalate the roid rager. Too many of those cop fucks out there. People that are miss treated that way develop resentments and have long memories. Makes it bad for the reasonable cops, all 6 of them.


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