
Friday, September 22, 2023

ATF Universal Background Check Rule Receives Thousands of Identical Supporting Comments

AmmoLand News partnered with data scientist Wes Scoggin to analyze the public comments on the proposed rule that would redefine who the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) considers a “gun dealer.”

The new rule is a backdoor to universal background checks. Anyone who sells a gun and makes a profit could potentially require a federal firearms license (FFL). Also, the ATF could consider anyone selling more than one of a single type of firearm to be a gun dealer. The ATF claims that the Bi-partisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) gives them the authority to change the rules surrounding dealers.


  1. No surprise here, atf stooges commenting on the site as well as fbi and other worthless fed agencies..

  2. It says right in the Constituion, that any law that may pass that is unconstitutional, can be ignored.

  3. That curve is much too smooth to be anything but an automated script.

  4. OK, so DON'T sell for profit... when the government controls business, isn't that a symptom of fascism?

    1. The communists in our communist government are doing openly communist things, and y'all are calling them fascists.

    2. That's because they're using national socialism (of which fascism is the Italian version) to smooth the way for international socialism (communism.)

      Government control of private industry is national socialism. We are already there.

      Government direct control of industry is international socialism. We are almost there.

    3. The “Socialism” in “National Socialism” comes from the Prussian social concept “Sozialismus,” and is nothing like the economic concept of “socialism” as outlined by Marx and others.
      The National Socialists and the Communists were enemies to the knife and diametrically opposed to one another. The media didn’t just start lying to us when Trump came down the escalator in 2015. They’ve always lied to us-about practically everything.

  5. That FFL you can't get if you're working out of your home or exclusively on Internet auction sites; gotta have that storefront.|
    Also Biden, just like Clinton and Obama, is busting his ass to put such "kitchen table dealers" out of business, mostly so the ATF can get the dealer's record of acquisitions and dispositions.
    Shit like this is why I let my C&R FFL lapse whenever there's a Democrat in the White House.

  6. (cont)
    Not that the comments mean anything anyway; Biden and ATF are going to do what the fuck they want (Remember bumpstocks and pistol braces?) and gunowners have to take them to court.

  7. If TSHTF like I think it's going to in America, all laws and law enforcement agencies will be tits up. It's not that we'll need to ignore the laws, it's that said laws and agencies simply won't exist anymore. Doesn't sound too bad, actually.

  8. But does anyone bother trying to replicate the Brady Campaign's bullshit? No. Of course not. I mean, we could make it obvious that the comments are compromised bullshit, and remove the talking point of "90% approve!!!1!" by using their same tactics...but instead we'll just bitch about it and offer a statement that people can copy and paste if they have the time and technical know-how. Brilliant. Fuck, if I knew how to do it, I'd do it. I bet ammoland could find somebody with that skill, or GoA or any number of gun rights groups. But they won't. Because it won't change anything... except every weapon you remove from your enemies' hands is a weapon that can't be used against you. And "90% approved!!1!" is powerful rhetoric for the "I" part of MPAI. Just saying.

    1. But gun rights groups do the same thing. I can name several gun advocacy groups and channels that regularly tell their readers and viewers to 'go to the link below, sign the form and send it to the ATF and /or your congressman'.
      Look at the pistol brace rule - the ATF got a shitload of identical comments from people that opposed the rule, many more than supported it, which they promptly ignored and did what they wanted anyway.

    2. Yeah, but if you read the article again, you'll see that Brady Campaign literally made it so all their idiot supporters had to do was click or tap a button. And boom. Done. No need to send anything or copy and paste anything. Just...tappy tap tap...and done. It defeats the whole purpose of the exercise, but that's already done. No, the ATF doesn't care about the comments, but a judge might, eventually.

    3. I've done the exact same thing on pro-gun sites. Click and send.

    4. Lmao you still believe in judges and courts

    5. Nobody in this string is talking about judges and courts, it's the ATF making up rules as they go along.

    6. “No, the ATF doesn't care about the comments, but a judge might, eventually.”

      There it is!

    7. "... a judge might, eventually."
      But until one does, the infringements go on.

    8. A judge *might* rule against it, but so what? The ATF will slightly change the wording and do what they want anyway.
      We’re well past the rule of law at this point. It’s open lawfare.

    9. it is past the point, and that is my point. "they" don't give a fuck about following the "rules", or the "law" - and so, neither should we. fuck "them" and the tricycles "they" rode in on. Good for the goose, and all that...
      Besides, isn't there something that says any law at odds with the Constitution, needn't be followed, and didn't ol' T. Jeff say something about it being our "duty" to not obey, and pretty much tell "them" to fuck right off?
      Just wondering

  9. How would they know the actual date a transaction was made, if it's between 2 individuals?
    That's what I don't understand. Keep you mouth shut; who's going to know?

    1. That's fine if you know the other guy, but here I've sold 2 guns at yard sales. Not any more, though. No way in hell am I selling a gun to somebody I don't know.


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