
Friday, September 22, 2023

Becoming? BECOMING???

Nearly three-quarters of voters believe that America is “becoming” a police state under President Joe Biden, whose administration has invested heavily in investigations of Republican politicians and political challengers. 

 According to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 72% said that they are concerned that “America is becoming a police state.”


  1. They see it, but they think it will never affect them. Most of the Jews in the 1930s Germany didn't have a clue the end was near till the Zyklon-B started coming down the air vents either.

  2. We have been a police state since the early 1900's and an argument could be made we have been one since the regime of Lincoln The Tyrant changed us from a voluntary Republic to an empire held together at gunpoint.

  3. Not a good time to be a cop.. just saying. Construction is booming I hear!

  4. When the police blockade roads and set up checkpoints under whatever pretense - DUI checkpoints, driver's license checks, safety checks, etc. - you are living in a police state.

  5. Nope. Jesus first is who say what goes. Shortly after that are those who will exercise their rights given by God and documented in the constitution.

  6. How many Flock Safety Camera ALPRs are there in your AO? Im told my county alone has 80 (semi-rural Metro Atlanta). They don't just read license plate, but take make, model, color, year, and other identifying marks. The company says it only keeps the data temporarily unless asked for by LE.....riiight!


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