
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Biden Administration Takes First Amendment Assassination Attempt To The Supreme Court

By Wednesday, Missouri v. Biden plaintiffs must respond in the Supreme Court to Biden administration claims that federal bureaucrats should get to filter everything Americans say via the internet for the sake of “national security.” 

On Sept. 14, the Department of Justice (DOJ) made an emergency Supreme Court appeal to avoid lower court injunctions preventing the White House and federal agencies including the FBI from telling internet speech monopolies which keywords, posts, and accounts to suffocate. The court granted the appeal the same day, pausing lower-court injunctions stopping the federal government from holding a gun to internet monopolies’ heads to tell them what ideas to choke from the online public square.


  1. How long will it be before someone demands an answer to the critical questions:
    1. What is "national security?"
    2. How is it measured?
    3. What statements or actions affect it, positively or negatively, and by how much?
    4. Is any increment or decrement in "national security," however slight, a justification for infringing upon an individual's Constitutionally guaranteed rights?
    I'm not about to hold my breath waiting for the answers.

    1. Hey. Francis. Never thought I'd see you hanging around this den of inequity. Make sure you wash up after leaving..

    2. I laugh, however bitterly, at the notion of "national security" from corrupt motherfuckers who left billions of OUR $$$ in proprietary arms with the CIA Poppy growers/sheep fuckers, and having the entire world being shoved up our collective asses via the southern border.

  2. Things are starting to get a little spicy.

  3. Nothing new here, W said we have to restrict the rights of and be able to spy on Americans so we can protect democracy....... Then we had to go to war against people that had nothing to do with 9/11....

  4. Remember when we were kids and free speech was sacrosanct? And the antidote to misinformation ("lies" we called it) was simply the truth?

  5. The last decade seems to be like a really bad Science Fiction / Cold War movie to me. All I want to know is when are the adults going to show up and clean this mess up!

    1. The job is ours, Anon. Sadly, few of us have the stomach for it.

  6. This tells you all you need to know about Bribem's Dee Ohh Jay. Why this even gets to federal court in the first place tells me that they apparently have never read the First Amendment or any of the prior cases adjudicated at any level of federal court.



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