
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Biden to Launch Federal Office for “Gun Violence Prevention”

Anti-gun Democrat President Joe Biden will reportedly announce this Friday the creation of what Fox News is calling “of the first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention,” ironically on the same day the 2023 Gun Rights Policy Conference opens in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Hill reports that the new White House office will have the formal name “Office of Gun Violence Prevention.” We have yet to see whether it actually prevents so-called “gun violence” or merely pushes more restrictive gun control schemes.


  1. And the Swamp gets bigger.

  2. The violence against democrat supported criminals MUST STOP!

  3. I don't think we need to wait to see.

  4. At a time when we need less federal government, he is making more. FJB!

  5. Also ignoring the constitution & congress, he just created the "American Climate Corps." as well. Get ready, a national police force can't be far off.
    - WDS

  6. That fits. That new gun violence office is located in the same building with a common door to the Destroy the American Constitution office.

  7. Since there is no such thing as gun violence it shouldn't cost anything to get rid of it.. Now if they want to actually do something useful they could go after illegal alien violence, gangbanger violence, black against white violence among other real crimes...

  8. First, he's not the president.

    Second, its not him. Mumblepedo is a puppet.

    Third, what do you think? Since 'gun violence' is a contrived, made of figment of imagination, they'd be chasing the air if it weren't about control. Of course its about control.

    Fourth, FJBama.

  9. "Unintended Consequences"

  10. Enforcing current laws probably won't even be on the agenda.

  11. Where's he getting the money for this? F*** Joe Biden!!!

  12. The Statist Left will never cease coming for our guns. That is simply a hard truth, eternal vigilance of our liberties is not an option, it is a citizens duty

  13. I think we all know which group will be targeted by this action and who will be ignored.

  14. Have they tried taking guns away from Democrats yet?


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