
Monday, September 25, 2023

But Wirecutter says we've all had PsychoChicks!

A married Pennsylvania cop is facing felony strangulation charges after being filmed forcibly arresting his mistress while trying to force her out of his trailer.

Ronald Keith Davis, 37, was arrested on September 21. He is accused of abusing his authority to forcibly arrest girlfriend Michelle Perfanov in August after a lovers' tiff, and have her committed to a mental hospital in Williamstown, Pennsylvania. 

Perfanov was living in his camper van at the time after a four-month romance, but the pair's relationship had disintegrated. Rather than simply break up, Davis obtained a petition to have her involuntarily committed to a mental institution. 


  1. "Remanded without bail". How appropriate for an abusive kopfuck. Hope he gets years of "felony, buttfuck penitentiary", with lots of recreational, involuntary sex.

  2. Tits or tires, either equal trouble

    1. At least you can get a road hazard warranty with the tires.
      - WDS

  3. Woof, she looks like she's been rid hard and put away wet on an hourly basis, but I speak from experience dick-head commanded "double dipping" will eventually catch up with you.

  4. Any bets he ends up in another police dept after this is memory holed?


  5. And that is exactly why so called Red Flag Laws scare me so much.

  6. Remember 'The Coneheads' on Saturday Night Live? This prick could be related.
    If he didn't have that point on his head he'd be two inches shorter.

  7. I have explained to my daughters that after dating a black, the next most likely way to be murdered is dating a cop.

    Statistics are Statistics.



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