
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

California enacts first gun and ammunition tax in the country

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several firearms and ammunition-related bills into law on Tuesday, including one to tax guns and ammunition and another that places more rules on people seeking a concealed carry weapons permit.


California: "Yes, the Second Amendment affirms your Right to keep and bear arms, but we're going to make sure you can't afford it, nor are you going to be able to afford ammunition to learn to shoot safely."


  1. This was slapped down by the Supreme Court many years ago. You cannot tax a right. Poll taxes disappeared a long time ago and this is the same thing.

    1. But voting itself is not a tangible item or product that can be sold in the retail marketplace, though fraudulent votes are obviously available on the black market. Our right to keep bear arms cannot, and is not, taxed. Lots of jurisdictions do this sort of stuff and not just firearms and ammo. There are thousands of so called "sin taxes" all over the place and the point is not to gain revenue. Their aim (pun intended) is to get either the dealers to leave or not sell the products at all. They will get away with this.

    2. The constitution says that the right to keep and bear arms is unalienable. This word is not pronounced 'in alien able' it's pronounced 'inuhleenable' because it means that no lies can be placed on it. It is non-transferable and there is nothing you must do in order to be able to exercise it.

  2. He and others like him will be made to swing if and when the pendulum ekes back to the direction of sanity. What a lovely sight to behold, evil doers turned into Wind Chimes.

    Maintain your list of Local Collaborators. They all have names, addresses, and routines. Be ready to be “The Orkin Man”. FFF/22BOH

  3. Wonderful, double dipping by Kalifornia:
    1) their hatred towards people protecting themselves against democrat supported criminals.
    2) their love for taxes and spending other people's money.

  4. That tax apply to folks who steal firearms and ammo instead of purchasing them?

  5. I cannot understand how firearms, the possession of which is guaranteed by the Constitution, is subject to any tax! Wasn't that resolved with the abolition of Poll Taxes in 1964 using the logic that rights cannot be taxed?

    1. That's a good point. Consider also that the oath of office politicians take upon entering office usually requires that the swearer upholds and defends the Constitution. When you are proposing laws that are purpose designed to circumvent the Constitution and destroy natural rights, you are violatiing your oath

    2. Like that oath actually means anything to most Democrats, who are completely comfortable with voter fraud, open borders and the concept that the truth is what they say it is.

  6. Just another example of the fact that the rule of law in long gone.

  7. Sadly not this first. Crook county has been doing this for a while. I think everyone is too busy fighting other laws stupid laws to get to this one.

  8. Crossborder traffic into Arizona/Nevada/Oregon will increase exponentially....

  9. "First"??????
    Cook county has an ammo tax:

  10. It's ok, they go into effect later. I won't worry about it now...

  11. This crap is all to position Newsom as the next President. Biden is half senile and barely able to walk up stairs. He will be replaced by this turd from my state. And turd he is.

  12. As in all new California gun laws, active and retired law enforcement officers and the agencies they work/worked for are exempt from this law.

    Think about it. An 11% tax on anything decent means you will be giving the State of California a one hundred dollar bill to do with what they please. And what they please is to deny law-abiding Californians the right to keep and bear arms.

  13. If we lived in a real federal republic, one where the other states would come to the defense of one falling to tyranny, the legislators would be exercising one of the few Article I Section 8 powers that they rarely if ever have used before -- "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia..."

    "Gosh, it says here we are authorized to buy them guns, and Newsome has no business taxing that."

  14. Notwithstanding any state excise or sales taxes, a federal excise tax of 10–11 percent on the import and production of firearms and ammunition has been in place since 1919. This may not be explicitly shown on your receipt at the store. Revenues from federal excise taxes (excluding NFA tax stamp revenues) fund matching grants to states and territories to support wildlife conservation efforts and education programs for hunters. Hopefully legal eagles will investigate the withdrawal of hunter safety education as interpreted by the current "administration" in the penumbra of the 2023 Section 13401 of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), versus the federal funding of hunter safety education via the federal taxes on firearms and ammunition.
    --jimmy don't play that

  15. As an aside, for residents looking out of state for relief, California officials have been known to stake out gun shows in Reno and stopping any California car recorded in the parking lot, once they recross the state line. I suspect any nearby gun retailors are also on their watch list.

    1. And as a California resident, if you are convicted of bringing more that 50 rounds of ammunition across state lines you become a convicted felon and are then considered a prohibited person, thereby losing your right to own firearms forever.

      Better to have a friend from out of state load up his pickup truck with ammunition and deliver it to your home. If he calls it a gift it's a completely legal transaction.

      It was the executive director of Gun Owners of California who told me about this handy-dandy technical loophole in the new law.

  16. A federal judge in California struck down the state’s 10-round limit on gun magazines on Friday, finding the law unconstitutional.

  17. I heard MS13 boys just bought one of those laser based practice systems to conserve training ammo.

  18. Perhaps this has not already been used in a challenge?
    "A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the federal constitution. The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power of censorship which this Court has repeatedly struck down a person cannot be compelled ‘to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the Constitution.’ " ~~ MURDOCK V. PENNSYLVANIA 319 US 105 (1942)

  19. This is fantastic. Because it establishes solid precedent for the establishment of voting taxes.

    Don’t want to pay a tax on guns and ammo? Easy peasy! Don’t buy guns and ammo.

    Don’t want to pay a tax to vote in elections? Easy peasy! Don’t vote in elections.

    We should all welcome this, and thank Gavin Newsom for his incredibly short sightedness.

    Bravo, Mr Governor. Bravo.


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