
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Center mass, partner

According to TheBlaze, Jeremy Cox was willing and ready to exercise his Second Amendment right to bear arms in defense of life, liberty, and property when an individual decided to break into his home, putting his whole family in danger.

And while Cox would have been totally justified in filling the intruder with a lead salad, he exercised restraint instead, extending mercy and grace to the bad guy. Kind of flies in the face of the narrative that all proponents of the Second Amendment are trigger-happy domestic terrorists just itching for a reason to shed some blood, doesn’t it?
-Saber 7


Being 'bloodthirsty' doesn't have a fucking thing to do with it. If the situation warrants me pulling a gun, it warrants me eliminating the threat as quickly and efficiently as possible.


  1. When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

    Tuco - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - 1966


    1. There was a Louis L'Amour main character who said the bad guy was busy shooting off his mouth, while he (the main character) was shooting his revolver.

  2. Did you already post about the ATF’s 12/7/23 Dealer Rule….????


  3. Yep, now that fucker will sue the shit out of him and most likely win. Soros DA's gotta let the people know you will be punished for self defense. Eod1sg Ret

    1. My thoughts, exactly...this guy's the poster child for letting no almost good deed go unpunished!

  4. If you pull it, fire it....simple mass until the perp goes in the head to be sure?....depends on if you are a democrat or a republican.....remember, in this country we are all innocent until proven republican....

    1. Be like the Gurkhas, if they have to pull their knife, it HAS to have someone else's blood on it before it geos back.
      Same thing with a gun.

  5. Survival rule number uno: Fill 'em full of lead till the asshole's dead and let the Lord extend mercy.

  6. I don't want to kill anyone that I don't have to but I will defend myself, my family, most of those in my friends circle and my home..... If I don't have to get an intruders blood all over my place that's my plan, if pushed then things will get messy

  7. The fallout of this will include the intruder lying about how it happened and possibly suing the victim.

    Dead perpetrators cannot do any of that.

    1. No, but their families can, and have in the papossibility. have some kind of firearms insurance to cover that possibilty.

    2. Depends on the State. Some States have laws saying the shooter can't be sued if it's a legal shooting. I do believe Tennessee is among them.

      I'm not going to ask what you meant by papossibility.

  8. Strange, isn't it? I've known two FBI agents and several other LEOs, and their training emphasizes the "sure shot:" center mass, overwhelmingly likely to be lethal. But private citizens who have families and homes to protect are told that we mustn't kill except in the most extreme, even unimaginable circumstances. Retreat as far as you can. Use force only if unavoidable. Use *nonlethal* force. And if you must pull the trigger, be ready for the cops to slap the manacles on you as well as the perp...if, indeed, they even bother to cuff the perp.

    1. I am not a lawyer. I have been under the impression that less than lethal force (shotgun bean bags for example) are generally less legal than buckshot. Consult your attorney and laws will vary by state.

  9. Better to have it & not need it, than need it & not have it.

    I keep mace (bear spray), tazers & pew pews - in the truck & at home.

    Don't start nothin, won't be nothin. Have a blessed day


  10. Hopefully he's in a county with a sane district attorney.

    Otherwise, the DA will take the "shot to wound" as evidence of the fact that the shooter was not in fear for his life, and therefore shouldn't have shot at all. Guy should have said to the cops: My sights are a little off, missed him entirely with the first shot, barely grazed him with the second.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

    1. Start the statement off with "I fired 3 shots in his general direction..."

    2. Start the statement with "I'll give you a statement after I talk with my lawyer."

    3. start the statement with "I need my phone call, after that I'm not talking". There's a couple outfits that you can get concealed carry insurance for like $25 a month. I'm old and carry all the time, everywhere - and I mean all the time everywhere. Always. And yes, should the situation require it, I will put him/her whoever, down. Action/Reaction. Fight like you train.


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