
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Commentary: American Despotism and the Weaponization of the U.S. Constitution

America is now in the deepest, most dangerous constitutional crisis since the hostility in the 1850s that led to secession and civil war. 

This constitutional crisis is so widespread and threatening that House Republicans must dramatically widen their investigations. Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden are only a tiny part of a spiderweb of corruption, dishonesty, criminal behavior, and state weaponization. The rule of law is steadily being replaced by a frightening new rule of power.


  1. "This constitutional crisis is so widespread and threatening that House Republicans must dramatically widen their investigations."

    Oh yeah, that'll fix it. All those previous investigations resulted in such monumental change and accountability. Msybe the could hold someone in 'Contempt', like they did Eric Holder. That really brought him down. /sarc

  2. Progressives see the constitution as a barrier to their absolute power and control. Since they're obsessed, neurotic control freaks, they will continue, like termites, to chew away at the foundation of the constitution until it collapses. Most Americans are naive enough to think it's not happening and too busy playing with their toys to see what's on the horizon. The Deep State club members (Politicians & High-level bureaucrats) are slaves of the billionaire globalists so they believe they'll not only survive, but prosper post constitution.

  3. Fuck them and their faux "investigations". I want to see defenestration on a grand scale.

  4. Might help if "republican" investigations ever came to ANYTHING.
    Nothing but noise Trey Gowdy - whatever happened to that?
    Just to name one.


  5. We are getting good and hard the truth in John Adam's words;

    "The Constitution is only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."

    (For the atheist whiners, 'religious' here means a moral code, i.e., a code of conduct.)

  6. Unfortunately, Newt seems to be turning a blind eye to the corruption that exists in the GOP side of the uni-party. Romney also has a kid that was doing shady business in Ukraine alongside Hunter. There were several high-level members of the GOP that aided the Trump Russian hoax. And the list goes on and on...

  7. Time to empty d.c of lobbyists, irs scrutiny of every federal employee, mandatory drug testing and term limits and separation of manufacturers from the military.

  8. I read to the part of the uranium and Russia land management thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you should have known about this sooner, Newt. A lot sooner.

  9. This paper is the old Newt. Apparently McCarthy's book opened his eyes.


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