
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Commentary: The Rise of Unapologetically Partisan News Reporting

The Huffington Post was envisioned from its inception as a progressive answer to conservative talk radio and various right-leaning voices being amplified by new technology. Most specifically, it was designed as a counterpoint to the Drudge Report, a widely read and highly profitable website with populist sensibilities. The players involved in planning the new venture belonged to a select clique of Hollywood liberals and political activists in Arianna Huffington’s orbit. 


  1. Shouldn't that be read as "*some* of the liberal media are admitting that they're communist revolutionaries."?

    John G

  2. Progressives are driven by the rabid, neurotic desire to absolutely dominate. They only pretend to "negotiate" to deceive. They believe playing fair and having a moral compass is for losers, so I can boil down this lengthy essay into 5 words describing their irrevocable mantra: "The end justifies the means".

  3. Read up on Progs and you'll see they supported Prohibition, the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, euthanasia, segregation of races, and all sorts of shit. Some they actually got passed into law. Wilson kept blacks separate from whites in our armed forces and pushed Jim Crow laws. Kids don't get taught this in school, because, well Prog teachers.

    1. Whites and blacks should be kept separated. The crime stats don‘t lie.


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