
Friday, September 08, 2023

Covid Forever

Apparently, prescribing Ivermectin for people with Covid was fine all along. Sure, nearly every public authority vehemently denounced Ivermectin, calling it “horse dewormer,” and social media platforms censored people who dared mention it. And sure, they slandered medical experts like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone and even placed jaundiced filters on pictures of Joe Rogan, who credited Ivermectin for his quick recovery from Covid. But now, after some doctors are suing the FDA for all but banning an effective treatment for the coronavirus, FDA officials have claimed that their aggressive criticisms of the drug were “merely quips.”


  1. I bet they all used it tho

    1. Every member of Congress and their staff were treated the day before they banned it.

  2. I vote for revenge. A dear, dear older lady from our church had to visit through an outside window, two days before she died.

  3. If there was any justice the people responsible for this crime against humanity would be strung on gibbets on the national mall and left to rot in the sun.

  4. Strange….
    that the cold/flu season….just vanished.
    (BTW….The Zelenko Protocol use it….I do.)

    1. Yes... no such thing as covid. Change your diet nutrition and exercise. Don't ever take another shot again

  5. Speaking of holding the tyrants accountable, L.A. County Director of Public Health Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD Social Welfare, is still in her position. Her 2022 total compensation before benefits was $585,610.00.
    SARS-CoV-2 has been very, very good to her.

  6. The whole lot of the Covid crowd needs to be stripped, herded naked thru the streets, and publicly hung.

  7. There is a lot I do not agree with in this article. That whole "take the higher ground and be a better person" thing has not served us well. While there were some salient points, it seemed to have a bit of "can't we all just get along" and us poor dirt people cannot defeat "elites".
    There will be no kumbaya moments. We are, for now, irrevocably broken and separated. I see no reason to change that, as the people that perpetrated this have not changed.
    Basically, they can kiss my ass until they repent and a reckoning occurs.

  8. I am so fed up with the never ending lies by our government and pushed by the so-called news I'm ready string up some rope and end their BS forever.. Nothing but garbage people

  9. While retribution and revenge are not currently popular, they are absolutely required in this case. Medical research changed after World War II up until recently. Why did it change? The Nuremburg Trials. Nazi doctors who experimented on patients without their consent, were hanged for their crimes. The crimes of covid are no different. I was a medical research scientist for twenty years in a major medical school. We had to renew our CITI training every two years which emphasized the Nuremburg Code and its extension The Declaration of Helsinki. One of the most important aspects of these codes is the absolute ban on treating patients without their full consent. Despite what the mainstream media will profess, the covid vaccines were never FDA approved. As such, they were distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization. It is illegal, immoral and against the Nuremburg and Helsinki codes to force anyone to take an unapproved drug. No ifs, ands or buts.
    There must be justice. Those who forced citizens, soldiers, workers and others to take an untested and dangerous drug, must be punished with the loss of their liberties and their lives. The history of Western Civilization shows that trust in institutions can only be re-established by revenge on behalf of the victims.


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