
Thursday, September 21, 2023

I miss ya, buddy

This reminds me of my dog Captain. Looks kinda like him too if he was bigger and shaggier.
I'd have people over after work on a Friday night and we'd ice down the beer in a trough set on the ground the first few times. Well, during the summer it regularly gets above 100 degrees and it didn't take Captain long to figure out that a trough full of ice was a pretty good deal for a hot dog. 
What sucked was trying to get him out of there - he was snapping and snarling at anybody that got close, even me. We finally lured him out with a nice steak, then everybody got to work - four guys went into the hay barn and found some lumber to put together a frame to get the trough up high enough that Ol' Cap couldn't get in, a couple of other men made an ice run and the ladies were all gathered around the spigot washing dog hair and God knows what else off 4-5 cases of beer.


  1. yeah, I miss my dogs too. my damn dog Slim was nuts for snow. damn dog would stay outside until he was shaking with the cold. I drag his ass in, he flop in front of the wood stove
    used to watch the steam rise off his wet ass. but once he was all warmed up , he wanted to go back out to play in the snow. life would be a lot less without our dogs in it, I think. dave in pa.

  2. Had a dog about 40 years ago named Kilo that loved water from the hose, spigot and in the dead of summer any ice he could find..

  3. Kind of telling that all your hounds were mean and nasty. Just saying....

    1. I use one dog as an example and now every dog I've ever owned was mean and nasty?
      What a liberal little dick you are. Just saying.....

    2. I see Kenny's not in the mood for any shit today.

    3. Considering the dogs we know of that wirecutter has had were adoptions and like Jack just showed up at his place looking for a home I think he's done a hell of a good job with his dogs so Fuck Off dipshit

    4. Speaking of 'all your hounds', it would be great to get a brief Asshole Jack update. I don't think we've heard anything since his last trip to the vet. Hopefully he's continuing to mellow.
      BTW, is his paperwork at the vet filed under "That Asshole Dog Jack" or just "Jack"?

    5. I posted an asshole dog update about a month ago but blogger immediately flagged it and wouldn't tell me why. That pissed me off so I pulled it and parked it in my drafts folder. I'll get it out soon and go through it to find out what put that stick up their butts.
      And it's just plain Jack in the vet's records, but they all know his true name. I can call and say I need to make an appointment for that asshole dog Jack and they don't even ask my last name.

    6. Probably a no brainer. I doubt there are a whole lot of people who name their dog 'That Asshole Dog XXXX'.

      And thanks. I look forward to hearing about his latest adventures.

    7. Remember, there was CharlieGodammit before that asshole dog Jack.

    8. Who could forget the handsome dog with the perfect teeth?
      Crapping where he knew you'd be stepping was just a plus.

  4. Your writing about dogs is the best . We know how much you appreciate & dig your pups, past & present...


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