
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

I'm surprised people weren't gathered around gasping and complimenting it

A Danish artist has been ordered to repay a museum after running off with its money upon being commissioned to create a piece of artwork but instead submitted two empty canvases titled "Take the Money and Run."


  1. no surprise. they did after all ooh and ahh piss christ.

  2. Art scam. They should send those empty canvases over to Hunter for the master's finishing touch

  3. I, for one, think it is a bold commentary upon the neo-faschistic gestalt of post-modern existentialism, as expressed tangentially to the zeitgeist of Otto Sternberg's symptomatic foundational modality deception in intersectional crypto-regressive terms of non-subjective deconstruction.

    1. THIS is giving me flashbacks to art history class. Farmgirl did not cope well with DaDa and 20th century modernism. 🤮

    2. We now have a perfect example of the BS that makes the lemmings think this trash is art. Alan

    3. Oh, I totally agree with your heartfelt angst ridden statement. The white clearly represents both purity and a not so subtle attempt at racism! Don’t you agree, Carlton? My Gawd, it’s magnificent and breathtaking.🤣🤣🤣😁😁

    4. Damn, son. That reminds me of the woe is me shoot me now abhorent time suck of reading the utter BS in term papers produced by liberal arts students.

    5. "Oh, I totally agree with your heartfelt angst ridden statement."

      I came here to chew gum and talk art-babble . . .
      . . . and I'm all out of gum.

  4. If it had been the first time someone had done this, they would have. This isn't the first time someone has tried this. It's kind of like the "artist" who turned in her disgusting apartment room as a sculpture. You can only do that dumb shit once.

  5. Perhaps the canvases "identify" as works of Old Dutch Masters. Check your art privilege, Kunsten Museum in Aalborg, Denmark.

  6. I tried this same theory once in an English Comp class. The assignment was to write a short story. I didn't bother to write a proper ending and claimed that it was up to the reader to complete, just like an Alfred Hitchcock just never know. If you guessed that my grade was an F; well, you just proved my point and thereby finished my story!

    1. Haha, I tried similar tricks in my philosophy and pyschology papers. I learned quickly that it wouldn't fly in philosophy, yet was an overwhelming success in pysch. Different profs too so it must've been the entire department.


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