
Monday, September 11, 2023

It seems like everyone has COVID. Why this wave may be worse than official data suggests

COVID-19 certainly didn't take a vacation this summer. Virus levels in the US have been on the rise for weeks, but it's hard to know exactly how widely it's spreading. 

Federal data suggests that the current increases have stayed far below earlier peaks and notable surges. But judging by word of mouth among family, friends and coworkers, it can seem like everyone knows someone who's sick with COVID-19 right now.


That's funny. I don't know a single person that has covid nor have I heard of a single case around here.

It must really suck to have a disease that shows no symptoms or ill effects. I don't know how we'll manage to survive it until the 2024 election takes place.


  1. I'm sure to believe "federal data" as presented by a Bay Area newspaper.

  2. What a bunch of total BravoSierra; are the hospitals, the main source of the numbers, still getting money for every case they report/treat?
    If there is any rise in the number, it couldn't be the open border bringing in new cases of everything from all over the world by the millions every single day, could it?

  3. I don't know what sort of rotten crowd Deidre McPhillips hangs with, but no one at this house has ever had Commie Flu.

    And no one here is vaccinated, either.

  4. I pretty much followed your actions the first time around, and never got sick either. I didn't hide out, didn't wash my hands, even if using a shopping cart, only wore a mask if I went somewhere that forced me to, like a doctor's office. Well, I did wear a mask when going to places like a store, not because I wanted to toe the government line, but just to avoid making the low wage earners enforce the rules, that they didn't make and likely did not want to have to fight with angry people over.
    I never got sick, no sniffles, nothing. My wife, who mostly stayed home got Covid, what they called Long Covid, that lasted around 6 months, with her being just run down, no energy, dry cough, etc.
    I still can't understand how nobody questions so many young, healthy people, including some professional athletes, either dying or suffering serious heart problems, after getting the vaccines that were rushed to the world. One would think that any normal time it would raise huge red flags, and be the major news stories on every network. I forget, this is the new normal.

    1. The odd problems (like death & stroke) in young people who have the shot are not talked about in the MSM...

    2. If you are in CA and don't want to wear a mask, upon entering store stick something in your pocket as they just passed a law against harassing/confronting shoplifters. anyone says anything to you, remind them of the law and sic a shyster on the company. /s/

    3. Plenty of people raise the alarm about young, healthy people dying suddenly or getting serious heart and respiratory diseases.

      But the media, most medicals, government play down those reports. The reason heing is is counter to the narrative. Promotion of the idiocy is at hand. Its part of a larger goal to make everyone dependent on government.

  5. I've known 2 people who were sick from it for 10-14 days this last month (west coast).

  6. Latest version. For now, big f'n whoop. Couple weeks ago, wifey visited sister. Who was sick and didn't tell. Sister tested pos, four days later, wifey tested pos. Under the weather, slight fever couple days, that's it. Wifey home all this time, I. did. not. get. it. She's a little miffed at that. Younger brother and Significant Other on vacation, same time frame. Got it, couple days under the weather.

  7. "But judging by word of mouth among family, friends and coworkers, it can seem like everyone knows someone who's sick with COVID-19 right now."


    'Same here. No one I know in my area has COVID. My niece in Texas got it a few weeks back. Cold symptoms for a few days... OOOOH-HOO-HOO-HOO!!! SCAAAARRRY!!!!! Talk about a SURGE!!! The only thing making its reappearance again out here in the Wild West is the mask of submission... 'Went to Wally World over the weekend. All the employees were masked...

    And those solo drivers masked in their cars... "STUPID" is the virus!!@!


  8. Why is ANYONE testing for ANYTHING??? Its just another respiratory virus like every other. If you want, take some Ivermectin, use H2O2 in a nebulizer, take lots of C, D, and zinc, and you'll get over it like EVERY OTHER respiratory virus you've ever had.

    1. The people I know who test for it REALLY believe knowing makes a difference... they test and test and test. It's really odd.

    2. They keep testing until they get a positive test. They have to be part of the crowd.
      There has to be a name for this mental disorder.

    3. It's hypochondria. Look up the symptoms. This is the real disease going around.

  9. A disease so serious, you need a test to see if you have it

  10. Haven't heard of anyone sick around here either, of course hysteria porn will never go away

  11. I had a couple of cousins die from it early on. One had been spending the better part of a year in the ICU for respiratory issues, the other was SERIOUSLY obese and had diabetes. Other than that, everyone I've known who had it blew it off after a couple of days. Me and the missus, who are old farts, never had a problem, and we were never vaxxed and never wore masks. Of course, we have immune systems you could bounce a truck off of.

  12. I currently have what I would consider a cold--low grade fever, headache, upper respiratory crap. Found out today that a number of folks where I work have had what they thought was a cold, but they tested positive for the Chinese flu. I have no plans to test, and once I feel better and no longer sound like I have a cold, I plan to go back to work. It's that simple.

  13. I know different people who had covid in the last year and the only symptom they had was a positive test.

  14. The only one I know that's got a serious case of it is Angel.

  15. Didn't fool me the first time, and it won't fool me this time. Lost my nephew from medical malpractice; hospital did not treat him with effective treatment. Lost my mom and a lot of her neighbors from the clot shot and lockdown. I will not comply. Psychopaths started this sh*t and the toxic jab.

  16. It is becoming clear that we can just skip the net election. The results already have been tallied, so why bother?

    1. Let'em sleep poorly knowing how many actually voted AGAINST their guy.

  17. Here in Hawaii its crazy with the masks again. People driving around, alone in their cars, windows up & mask on. No passengers, but they got the mask on. Because the Hawaii government & Maui County leaders messed up the Lahaina Fire response so bad they are going to push mask mandates again to 'false flag' the fire mistakes.

  18. The china flu is so serious that a million people can come across the border and not be required to be vaccinated... for anything.

  19. I've had a few family members get their asses seriously kicked by covid a couple of them had long term problems, they were both physically fit men one about 40 the other about 57 years old. A good guy who posts here sometimes DIVEMEDIC works in an emergency department and has seen cases coming in.

  20. The criminals in power and their media whore accomplices are ramping up the fear porn again. Means they have some more nefarious criminal plans in the works they intend to implement and want to keep us locked down and distracted.

  21. Northern Neck of Virginia... No one I know has the CV/19... the only maskers around here are the usual suspects.

  22. I had to put my best friend Grizz down Wednesday before last. I think the visiting vet brought more than his tools. Day after, I felt the normal flu shit, and would up in bed for days. Did the normal zinc, C, D3, etc, and am now starting to feel normal again. December before last I got the real deal, and only Ivermectin and vitamins saved me. As it was, my daughter came down from Oregon for a week and nursed me back to health. It was a close thing, and because of the Run, It's Death protocol and my age, there was no way I was getting close to a hospital.
    I do remember when I was young (16?) getting the Hong Kong flu, and I thought I was a goner then. That was some very nasty shit. The more they try to kill you, the stronger you get.

    1. Thanks, mobius. He as a Good Boy. Bernese mountain Dog, Mr Cool, Babe Magnet Extraordinaire.

  23. Well...daughter brought it home at the end of June.  Cough, congestion, mild diarrhea, not much of a fever—three days later I got the same symptoms.  I didn't think much of it.  I went in the middle of July to get some outpatient stents done that had been scheduled in the last part of June.  I collapsed on them as they were doing the prep for the stents.  I spent damn near 2 weeks in ICU with a collapsed Rt. lung and 'crystalline covid lung', whatever the hell that is.  I did finally get the stents, then spent another week in ICU before being released to a skilled nursing facility for 2 1/2 weeks before I was healed up enough to be able to stagger from the car into the house.  Doc says it could take until Christmas before I'm up to snuff, and if I feel tired, to park my backside in the recliner and not push it, or I will end up back in the hospital.  IF I'm as lucky as I was last time around.

    1. Sometime back, just before the c19 madness set it, I caught something that seriously kicked my ass... It's rare for me to be sick for more than a day or two and I usually just do a Thera Flu along with my daily supplement routine.. I would go from feeling ok to death warmed over week by week for about 6-8 weeks, I know I shouldn't have done that but hey I was busy... When I finally got drug to a doctor's office I was in really bad shape and it showed, doctor's staff freaked out got me in ahead of all the appointments, I was a walk-in, and the rest is most a foggy memory for about 3 months or so.....
      Whatever it was it was the sickest I've ever been.... Good luck with your recovery and consider getting a bottle of Ivomectin for JIC emergency supplies

  24. Everyone I know who got the vax that's not a vaccine has had covid; most of them more than once. One guy that is double vaxxed plus two boosters has had it 5 times and said he is going to get the new vax when it's available here.


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