
Friday, September 15, 2023

Joe, Joe, Joe.....

President Joe Biden made a bizarre claim in a speech that he'd taught political theory at an Ivy League university - despite only serving there as a visiting fellow and honorary professor.

Biden, at 80, the nation's oldest-ever president, was speaking at Prince George Community College in Maryland Thursday for an economic address he meant to contrast what he calls 'Bidenomics' with the police of predecessor Donald Trump.

At one point, however, the president turned his speech to a common theme, that Democracy is 'under attack' when he suddenly discussed his time at the University of Pennsylvania.


  1. Was this before or after he graduated from the Naval Academy?

    1. Don't forget that he served on an aircraft carrier with his son Beau and John Effing Kerry while they were all in the Air Force flying Sherman tanks in Viet Nam.

    2. Best comment I’ve seen today!

  2. Reminds me of an Uncle, who could brag about himself and not once tell the truth.

  3. His academic designation is Liar Emeritus

  4. you know, the one thing I have noticed is that every time old joe gets asked about some of the illegal shit he has done over the years, the first thing out of his mouth is his dead kid.
    it like he used the damn kid as a foil to keep from saying anything else
    and his kid hunter, if there was a poster child for the social betters of this country.
    like fuck you, the laws are for you, NOT me kind of shit. it not hard to loathe them at all.
    like others have said before, get Vlad to drop a nuke and be done with that damn mess.
    dave in pa.

    1. Somene present needs to call his ass on his dead kid.
      Beau died in a hospital, surrounded by his family, after receiving the best medical care on the planet, not alone in the Sandbox.

  5. ...well he's fu@king retarded so...

  6. He also claimed recently that Climate Change is a more existential threat to the United States than is nuclear war.

    The man is not only absolutely addled, he's downright dangerous.

  7. He's like Forrest Gump - always right there at ground zero at every critical juncture in history. Rubbed elbows with Gorbachev and then was first to take a sledgehammer to the Berlin wall, cradled a dying MLK in his arms on the balcony in Memphis, single-handedly caught the Watergate burglars, taught Jimmy Carter the meaning of the word 'malaise', declared "Peace in our time" while waving a treaty document overhead that he coerced Uncle Adolph into signing, hustled Reagan into the limo in an altruistic bipartisan effort after being capped by Hinkley, etc., etc.

    He is quite the incarnation of Commander McBragg, that dashing fellow from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Saturday morning cartoon show.

  8. Its not his age! I have a 91+ year old mother who is sharp as a tack and can engage you on nearly any current or past topic. Joe is slowly going senile. I saw it in my beloved mother-in-law who ultimately died of complications relating to Alzheimer's disease. The country needs to get this senile person out out office cause he isn't making the policy decisions in the White House. People who we didn't vote for and who probably don't like us are running the country.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner. And they try to discredit anyone who makes that statement that you are not a trained medical person. Almost everyone at this point in time has experienced someone with dementia, Alzheimer's or whatever you want to call it, I did with my mother.
      Hell, I saw it in Mohamad Ali when he family trotted him out to an event jsut to get some time in the limelight.

  9. It's called "pathological liar" in the shrink's office.


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