
Friday, September 01, 2023

Junior's Big Adventure

The Roseville City School District is promising to step up security after two 5-year-olds walked a mile away from Blue Oaks Elementary, in the middle of the school day, without anyone noticing.


  1. "his grandmother put an airtag on his shoe..." what the hell is that? we are buying the chains that shackle our children to the eye of the state. Also, I can't blame the 5 y.o.'s for walking away first chance they got. They we're safer wandering the street than sitting like ducks in the Government school.

  2. When I was 5 (kindergarten), I was expected to walk the 3/4 mile to school by myself. No, it wasn't uphill both ways in the snow - it was flat and in the snow. Different world these days.


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