
Thursday, September 21, 2023

National Deficit, Inflation Soars Despite ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office reports that the federal government is borrowing far more this fiscal year than the year before even as inflation continues to rise. 

The CBO released its deficit estimate which said the U.S. deficit hit about $1.5 trillion in the first 11 months of this fiscal year.


  1. Big Sister uses 1984 style NewSpeak when naming bills and it works.

    1. Let's here some examples. I'm looking to up my game.
      I'm stuck on 7.62 to solve everything.

  2. "Federal spending projections show that interest payments on the national debt will soon become the federal government’s largest expense." Oh the irony since the Constitution grants Congress the power to coin money

    1. Only for a moral and religious people.

      The aforementioned wouldn't think of the travesties of today.

  3. I saw that the interest payment on our national debt have gone up significantly this past year. The more we continue to borrow, it is simple that the interest will eventually become onerous and our children and grandchildren will have no incentive to attempt to get a decent job, when the government just keeps raising the tax rates on people who make less and less, to continue to service the debt that mostly Democrats have run up in order to remain in office.

  4. The "Inflation Reduction Act" was written to increase spending....and inflation. It was part of their destroy America plan.

  5. They spelled “because of” wrong…

  6. I still think the plan is to destroy the dollar. think of it as a bank robbery on a massive scale
    they robbing the country of it's worth. they want us to be serfs. we own nothing. begging for food. think Weimar republic kind of poor. this has happen before elsewhere. look at some of the richest families in the world. as they say, the best time to buy is when there is blood on the streets. one big problem here though. we are still armed. that alone worries them. after the fall, hunting season will start. and guess who will be hunted ?
    kind of like what the French did back in 1792 or so.
    dave in pa.

    1. Which is why Biden and The Usual Suspects have been going balls to the wall on gun control since January21, 2021.

  7. Gonna fundementally transform you so hard.

    How's that fundemental transformation working for you?


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