
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

National Guard: "We earned them, we're keeping them"

Army National Guard units with a Civil War-era lineage were ordered to relinquish any Confederate battle streamers from their guidons, but dozens of the streamers have yet to be recovered a week after the deadline.


  1. I was in the 29th for some years. It’s sad how the guard caved to the big army. But the $$$$ talks and the stars that adorn the leadership of guard units know who they answer to, and it’s not the governor, well not all the time.

    I will take the 29th with me too Fiddlers Green, I have the dress patch accurately inked.

  2. I hope that they just make their own to use. And they will use them I hope.

  3. "That was part of an effort mandated by Congress to strip tributes to the Confederacy from military property, including the names of major bases."

    Republicans have had a majority in the House of Representatives since last January. Keep voting "R" and hoping that they will reverse the Demonrats war on Southern culture.....

    1. dude, the House majority doesn't mean much without the Senate or the Presidency. But hey, find any excuse to blame the wrong party. besides that, the pres and the dem-run senate have been scrubbing flag officers for party views since the start of the Obummer admin, so you know most of the top brass, like this SecDef, are "true believers" in all things socialist and NWO.

  4. Indeed! Tell the Army to do some4thing anatomically impossible to themselves. Wokeness has gone more than far enough.

  5. I thought that was all settled in the 1890's along with the honouring of pensions, and burials, and similar.

    1. That was when we were trying to reconcile the country, now they want to tear it apart.

  6. They're only following their history. After all, Lenin had Trotsky airbrushed out of every available image because he was no longer toeing the line.n

  7. I only have 2 words about this
    💩💩 🙄🖕

  8. I'm glad my unit (the 29th) kept our YingYang looking circle, but I'm disappointed my state gave up our battle streamers.

  9. they show the true motive by naming the forts after a northerner instead of a deserving virginian that fits their color specs. and removing confederate streamers while leaving yankee ones, beyond proof. these things matter to soldiers. great for the civil war2, but for ww3 not so much.


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