
Friday, September 29, 2023

Nature's way of flushing the toilet

New York City has declared a state of emergency as the city prepares to be dumped with up to seven inches of rain on Friday, in a final blow from Tropical Storm Ophelia. 

'I am declaring a State of Emergency across New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley due to the extreme rainfall we’re seeing throughout the region,' governor Kathy Hochul said. 'Please take steps to stay safe and remember to never attempt to travel on flooded roads.'


  1. The only amount of water that could even come close to washing the stink out of shit city was the great biblical deluge.

  2. I wonder where the rat population is going to go.

    1. Probably doggy paddle to the nearest migrant incampment for 3 hots and a cot

  3. Which rat population? Two or four legged.

  4. Hochul is wrong about flooded roads. It's a great way to clean the bottom of your car. I wouldn't lie to a libtard.

  5. At least all the homeless drug addicts and Illegal aliens finally took a shower......

  6. Katrina. The Great Flush. Except all the turds were sent to Texas.


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