
Monday, September 11, 2023

New Mexico Governor Suspends Concealed Carry Claiming… Public Health Order

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued a public health order suspending open and concealed carry of firearms in Bernalillo County public places for the next 30 days. Bernalillo County is the home of Albuquerque.

NM Governor just illegally disarmed an entire county
VIDEO HERE  (3:25 minutes)


  1. I bet she still has armed protection tho

  2. Grisham was the political trial balloon to see if Americans were ready to accept disallowing the 2nd Amendment. Behind the doors of Washington, "Not yet. Soon, but not yet."

  3. I wonder what the first one arrested for violating the illegal dictator's edict will win in the lawsuit lottery. I can't believe this will pass muster in even the most liberal of places, with the politicians knowing that it is a loser.
    Then again, never underestimate the ability of the left to do ever more insane things, since nobody is stopping them.

  4. Think anyone will walk the Albuquerque main street with an AR-15? I'm not gonna ask if the New Mexico State police gestapo will pin the "offender" of the nitwit governor's order to the ground because you can bet it will happen

    1. You can't sue them for violating your rights if the cops just show up and waste you.

  5. The multiple lawsuits should slam this to bits fairly fast. No politician of this nation has ANY ability to simply ignore and claim null ANY part of the US Constitution or Bill of Rights no more than police of the streets do or judges of the law. Her own City and County police captains and her DA of that county have all said they will not enforce or arrest or bring to trial anyone for this. So this is a lot of noise for nothing.

    1. The root of the word ignorance is ignore. The ability to ignore the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the prerequisite for any left leaning pol.

    2. Yes, Anonymous, they seem to be doing a pretty good job of ignoring NYSRPA v Bruen.

  6. Some shithead tries that in Florida and I'll be marching, armed, to the capital with bad intentions.

  7. The Sheriff of the afflicted county said neither she nor her people will be enforcing the emergency order.

  8. The mayor and police chief of the city of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman, a Democratic party leader who was appointed by Lujan Grisham, have already announced that they will not enforce this unconstitutional edict.

  9. How about a conservative official ( governor, mayor ) just declaring that they have constitutional carry?

  10. Sue the bastards into oblivion then drag them out to the desert, stake them to a pole and leave them there...

  11. "Unintended Consequences"

  12. Blanco, Gov. of Louisiana during Katrina tried the same bullshit. Armed citizens of NO had different ideas. No national guardsmen were shot as far as I know.

    1. There's a lot of strange shit that went down in NO, there always is, after Katrina.... I live within a 35 mile drive from that shithole and although I was hit with some heavy winds and lost power for 3 weeks none of the dumb shit that were reported there happened in my area... But I do live in an area that has an effective parish council, a great volunteer fire department and a good sheriff's department, also we tax ourselves to build and maintain a working levee and drainage system..

  13. Now I'm beginning to worry. Chiming in to disagree with the governor's actions are David Hogg and dim bulb congressman from California Ted Lieu (D).

    1. I was surprised by that from Lieu. Completely flabbergasted to see it from Hogg.

    2. Yeah well, if you look closer at both Hogg and Lieu's tweet, you'll see that Lieu shot his out first, then Hogg copied the first and last part and sent his.
      It's almost like they're reading from a script, like they were newscasters or something.

  14. In her press conference, she herself said it was unlawful. But she went ahead and did it.

    Willfully enacting what she knew to be unlawful. There is penalty for that, yet I haven't seen her frog marched, or for that matter, anyone making motions to something about it.

  15. Reportedly, she admitted that she knew criminals would ignore her edict. I am sure that her security team is still armed to the teeth.

    1. She did, I saw it the video. She said she knew criminals wouldn't obey it but "it would send them a clear message" or some such shit.

  16. NM can't even fix their fucking roads, much less enforce an illegal law, then pay for litigation.



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