
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Roaches are authentic ingredients?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — THAI, an acronym for The House of Authentic Ingredients, was temporarily closed after Sacramento County officials found cockroaches and other major health code violations, according to reports from the Sacramento County Environmental Management Department.

1 comment:

  1. My parents bought a restaurant that they ran for over 30 years. The first thing that they had to do was have exterminators come in to kill the roaches that were under the huge refrigerators that stood in the kitchen, that held all of the food for the day.
    I remember reading years ago that frozen pizzas were allowed to have a certain number of insect parts on them. If I recall correctly most of the insect parts came from the ground black pepper, which was almost impossible to keep insect free.
    There was an old saying taught to me when I was just a kid, by a wise old lady. She said that a man had to eat a peck of dirt before he died. One could take that to include eating a lot of things that would gag you, if you knew about it.


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