
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Somebody's upset

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (FOX 2) - Michigan State Police are looking for a suspect who shot at and lit multiple patrol vehicles on fire. 

The vehicles were parked at the Sault Ste. Marie Post in the Upper Peninsula when police say he set four vehicles on fire and sprayed them with bullets from a rifle around 3:30 a.m. The vehicles were empty at the time.


  1. Replies
    1. My thoughts... how jaded are we? LOL!

  2. Looks like he got done for 3 over in a radar trap recently.

  3. Spraying bullets at your local police force. Not the way to ensure prompt and cheerful service. I see a 'person of color' later being arrested and story promptly memory holed in the near future.

    1. Go big or go home(boy).

    2. Fundamental difficulty with the concept of "warning shots"?


  4. Looks like he drove his own SUV and was clear enough of video to identify he is white. Not sure what the point of shooting the vehicles was if he was going to burn them anyway. Not a well thought out act as it left way too many threads of evidence for follow-up and accomplished little. The first thing they will do is run the name and address of every Honda CRV in that color on the UP and if needed, in the rest of Michigan. They will likely have him in cuffs within 3 days.

  5. The retards in Lansing keep sending wannabe bad-boys to the UP to tame Yoopers, and there are decades of stuff like this and more as a result.

    One female fish-cop was such a bitch she ended up handcuffed naked to the push-bar of her truck and got rewarded with a posting down-state.

    I just wonder how many county buildings and cop shops are truly fireproof, but I also think the answer will be known shortly.

  6. They were empty; no harm done.

    1. Check car dealers for an employee that drives a Honda CRV.

    2. Cops without cars cannot work.

  7. A good start. Cops have been at war with the American people for decades. They are starting to reap the whirlwind grown from the tyranny they have been sowing to the wind.

  8. Arrested last Thursday after a short gunfight.

  9. Well, when you keep your boot on people's throat long enough, there is bound to be a bit of backlash.

  10. There’s not too many of the melanin enhanced crowd in da Upper. It’s the Wild West there still in many ways…imagine about 150k folk in an area the size of Maryland..with swamps. FAFO? Archaeologists may find your body. Nobody else will.

  11. I live about twenty miles down the road from where this happened. As a matter of fact, I drove past the post yesterday and the burned up cars are still there. The local cop that I talked to about it says that the guy was an Arab from Florida that was shot and apprehended on some property he owned south of town, and had no idea what his motive was. I'm wondering what a Arab is doing this far North, owning property out in the middle of farm country.

    1. His ass is in trouble now; he was supposed to be setting up a training camp and keeping that fact on the down-low.

    2. I don't know, but I was in Paradise a few years ago, and there were Muslims all over the town. ( the town is tiny, I bet I saw 50 at least.) Never found out why. And I'm up there quite a bit.


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