
Friday, September 29, 2023

Washington National Cathedral reveals new racial justice stained glass windows to replace those that honored Confederate generals

CNN - Washington National Cathedral on Saturday revealed four new “racial-justice themed” stained-glass windows to replace others honoring Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.
-Capt. Pat


  1. Does that mean Barack and Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris and Al Jolson will be in the Lord's spotlight?

    1. It's not a cathedral any more than Sophia is. I bet one of the new windows will feature the magic kneegrow complete with a halo surrounding his horns while he's being ass pounded by big mike.

    2. Not for the reasons they are hoping for, but yes.

  2. I was hoping this was a spoof by the Babylon Bee. Unbelievable.
    - WDS

    1. Looked like they were done by a 7th grade art student, not a full grown man. Oh, look, it's a negro man. THAT explains it.

  3. Gotta get rid of anything connecting Confederate generals to democrat slave owners, because when CNN does not talk about it it never happened.

    1. The Liberal Party of Canada already tried to erase the House of Commons visit by a Ukrainian former member of the Galician SS. Erasing history is the only way the world can't find out the Left are consistently the most savage pieces of shit.

  4. I would NEVER go to DC again. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is about slavery. From park benches to All in the Family tv show at the Smithsonian is about slavery.

  5. We aren't allowed to have nice things.

  6. How long before someone gets around to BLMing the new windows alongside the old ones?

  7. Time to shelter in place.

  8. This is the same "church" where the worst racist that has ever been elected president, Woodrow Wilson, is buried!
    Why don't they drag his corpse out to the curb for garbage day?

    Oh, that's right; democrat.

  9. I still celebrate General Lee's birthday instead of MLK's and there's nothing they can do to me so they can kiss my ass

  10. Pardon me for restating a well know fact: The Civil War was not about slavery. It was about state's rights. The North was killing the South with taxes and other restraints.

    If that's news to you, look it up. Slavery was a hot button that Lincoln employed to gin up Northern support for the war. The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to states that had seceded. The rest of the states were absolved. Call it marketing, call it propaganda, it was a lie.

    Today we would call it marketing or, worse,

  11. As I look out my window and watch the stainless banner flutter gracefully in the breeze above my garden, I pray that I will have the courage that the men who fought under it 160 years ago had.

  12. It doesn’t make sense. These men were Christian and had faith in God. Go ahead and tear our anything Confederate, you only show how two-faced you are. Will never go to DC again.


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