
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Who does this shit???



  1. And I guarantee that when they find the color they want, they put back the can they just sprayed and buy another one that 'hasn't been used'.

  2. Over zealous female making sure the paint matches the swatch she has in her hand ...

  3. Quite a lot it seems. At one Home Depot, the store employees put down a sheet of plywood for this.

  4. Everybody at Walmart.

    Maddening to the staff when they spray the bar-codes that identify the product that is to be shelved in that space.

  5. Joggers, to be precise.....

  6. Amish?
    Is it them again Yogi?
    It's always them Boo Boo.

    1. Not hardly. I live in an overwhelmingly white area and I've seen it happening here as well.

  7. who do you think does it? Americas criminal class. they think the laws dont apply to them

  8. You wouldn't buy a car without taking it for a test drive, so...

  9. In a related thing, there's eating grapes before you decide if you want to buy a bunch.

    Which some retailers think is a good thing. Here in the US, the *appearance* of the fruit is absolutely paramount. In other countries, it's often the flavor. And how can you tell the flavor if you don't try it? Which is why most of our supermarket fruits and vegetables taste like Styrofoam.

    In other words, they'll do that will all fruits and vegetables, not just grapes.

    Of course, then there's the jackasses who just go and browse without any intention to buy, and ruin it for everyone else.

    John G.

    1. I wouldn't eat an unwashed grape in a grocery store on a bet.

      A pet peeve of mine is people who pull bananas off of a bunch, like they're selecting some kind of "best of the best" group of individual bananas.

    2. "I wouldn't eat an unwashed grape..." I have to agree. I let them sit an a baking soda bath (as well as all fruits and vegetables) and swish them around once in a while. When I take them out to rinse there's always a light layer of brown sludge at the bottom of the pan. Baking soda is supposed to strip all the chemicals off veggies and fruit.

  10. If I am taught in public school that there absolutely is no need to respect other people and their property, why should I respect other people and their property?
    It is all about me me me me me me me me me

  11. Same clowns who deface railroad cars with their “graffiti”. The country’s gone. No consequences for boorish, much less illegal, behavior. See Philadelphia night before last. Every one of those “shoplifters” should have been shot. I mean it. [Edit: sorry, should read, “No consequences for illegal, much less boorish, behavior.”]

  12. See the history of San Francisco earthquake in early 1900s. Soldiers arrested looters and summarily executed them in front of civilians to send a message it wouldn’t be tolerated. Seemed to be quite effective.

  13. I noticed this at my local HD about a year ago. Unfortunately, like bad driving, it's regular people doing stuff like this, not just the "Amish," so there isn't much hope.

  14. Pretty much everyone

  15. Wow. In my County (of LA) no spray cans are sitting on open shelves. They are all locked up behind a screen or plexiglass. Its been this way for years. It seems our visitors from the South as well as local punks would steal the cans and graffitti up the whole city, like cockroaches behind a cabinet. So there is no way to "test" the color -- you ask the kid to open the cage, give you the can, he walks you up to the cashier to buy it.

    1. Okay, so we now know it's not Californians doing it.

  16. That's every Home Despot I've been to. When they don't clean it up, they're inviting more. I suppose people think that's what you're supposed to do...

  17. Am I the only person who see's a duck's neck and head....beak is a little long.

  18. Not surprising, since there seems to be an epidemic of spray bottles that don't work as soon as you get them home from the store.
    Who wouldn't check to see if they work first?


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