
Friday, September 22, 2023

Why not? They know nobody will be home.

A Mar Vista resident was taking action to get rid of unwanted pests in her home, but ended up being a victim of burglary. Surveillance video shows a burglar stealing valuables as the house was being fumigated. It’s the second time in a week that burglars have targeted homes being fumigated.


Sounds like an easy set-up for the cops - just tent a home and park a pest control van outside, then sit inside and drink coffee, eat donuts and daydream about shooting Golden Retrievers while they wait for a burglar.


  1. Yeah, that stupid vicious killing of that friendly golden is still with me too.

  2. Makes one wonder if the pest control company is ripping off the home owner. A burglar inside a place getting fumigated should die pretty damn fast from the pesticides.

    1. Of course they are. When they bag up a house they have to stay on site and do walk arounds to make sure the place is properly sealed the whole time.

  3. Maybe they should try Zyklon-B. I hear it really knocks them out.

  4. Could be worse! Someone living in a town so littered with homeless might return to house occupied by new (non-paying) renters.

  5. I don't get these tents things over houses, don't see that here

    1. If there's a really bad infestation of termites or cockroaches, they'll put a large tent over the entire house to fumigate it. It keeps all the chemicals in longer and allows them to permeate the house for a better job.

  6. Breaking Bad did it.


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