
Friday, September 15, 2023

Your Feel-Good Video of the Day

 VIDEO HERE  (4 minutes)


  1. until they get hurt they'll keep doing that shit. just like any animal that has to be disciplined, saying no,no no just does not work without (i hate to say it) pain.

    1. Do a Rachel Corrie on them a few times, I bet they'll rethink their life choices.

    2. If you need to cause pain to train you dont have a clue really.

  2. I honestly don't know why they don't apply the beatings they are asking for. You're going to get charged with assault for even touching them, so at the very least make sure they bleed and can't walk. Get out of the car with an ASP baton or similar instrument and beat the living snot out of them.

  3. That was quite enjoyable, especially when the one female protester was dragged away by her hair by another woman.

  4. Those are poor mislead idiots that have been programmed to believe in what they are doing. The problem is, their clothes, shoes, equipment, eyeglasses and the cardboard used for their signs were all made with petroleum and petroleum-based products.
    They are just too stupid to understand that because schools don't teach them anything worthwhile.

  5. Where's a cow catcher when you need one ?

  6. Essence of skunk sprayed strategically might do wonders.

    1. They're all potheads. They love the smell of skunk.

  7. Slow to a reasonable speed and continue on to wherever you're heading...
    If they get run over then it sucks to be that stupid

  8. Dint No. Dakota make it not a crime to physically hit people purposefully blocking the road?

  9. well, I think the best thing to do is just start kicking their ass out of the street myself.
    clowns don't understand anything else but pain. they are just too fucking stupid !
    well, maybe not stupid, but brainwashed for sure. like co2 is a problem ? where in the hell did that dumb shit come from ? this past summer I showed my grandson the co2 generators they sell for greenhouses. he couldn't believe it. duh, plants NEED co2 to grow !
    then I showed him a bunch of George Carlin tapes/videos and that really opened his eyes up. he saved a few links on his phone (?) or so he says to show other kids his age. he 16 this year. who knows, maybe a saved one ? dave in pa.

  10. How long before someone designs bumper mounted, remote controlled bear spray nozzles? Just roll up the windows and let 'em rip!

    1. The Afrikaners in South Africa have a more better version they use to get around town. They use flamethrowers.

  11. I'm sorry but MANY people, not just first responders, take exactly this kind of approach to deal with the HORROR they've experienced. The do NOT mean it literally. They go the black humor route to cope. It happens with people mourning the loss of a spouse or child. It's a NORMAL reaction to grief, and I'm actually mad at the wokester twit who turned him in.

  12. Oh, crap, my brain's not back on straight, Kenny. That was meant for the officer vs. pedestrian thread.

  13. I'd probably catch a charge because I can totally see myself dropping these fucks on their heads, or doing something else they wouldn't get up from.

    Car horns are FUCKING LOUD when you're a foot away from them. Great way to permanently mess up your hearing.

    Keep up the phone snatching too. Place it in the path of a tire if possible. Pepper spray? Boiling the water before dumping it on these idiots might be construed as intent to injure. Consider pissing in the bucket. Hopefully you ate asparagus the day before.

    If someone won't move and hops up on your hood, speed up to 10-15 mph and slam the brakes, or just swerve back and forth. Riding a hood doesn't really work out like in the movies.

  14. There are all sorts of obnoxious fluids that could be spilled on them...That one gal dragging the eco-fuckheads by the hair was really impressive too.

  15. A lot of these segments appeared to be in Europe some place. And it looked like white on white, no cultural enrichers participating in these climate activities? WTF over? Here in the FUSA I thought It is illegal to block a roadway? Well darn it’s illegal to enter the FUSA with out papers too and its being facilitated by our very own government that is tasked with stopping it. WTF?

  16. Chris, aka old skateboarder/surferSeptember 16, 2023 at 12:20 PM

    The best is at 1:47 with the old skateboarder hitting them with his new board. Guessing he is on his way to get new skateboard trucks & wheels. Most people think us old surfers & skaters are hippies but we are actually pretty darn conservative as we need fossil fuels to make surfboards (fiberglass & resin) & skateboard wheels (urethane-petroleum). Wonderful video & Mahalo Ken!

  17. Diesel fuel in a garden sprayer.
    Ramp it up if necessary

  18. I seem to remember pepper spray having a positive influence on someone doing this in-the- road bullshit, eh Kenny?


  19. There should be a law that says you can run these asshats over after one warning.


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