
Friday, September 01, 2023

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

A Villager allegedly sipping a Corona beer in her golf cart has been arrested on a drunk driving charge. 

Patricia Ellen Swanson, 60, of the Village of Poinciana, was in a white golf cart shortly before 11 p.m. Saturday parked on the side of the road pointed in the wrong direction in the area of Odell Circle and Buena Vista Boulevard, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. The Mason City, Iowa native said she had been at a friend’s house and admitted she’d consumed one glass of wine and one beer.


What I find amazing is that according to the article, the cop was able to identify the brand of beer even though it was in a thermal cup.
Mad skills, man.


  1. Since it wasn't Bud light he should of let her go with a warning.

  2. Deputy probably smelled the cup. As it smelled like unfiltered horse piss he correctly identified it as Corona.

    1. The lime slice trying to crawl up the side of the cup confirmed it.

  3. Maybe it had a lime in it, since Corona's taste so shit you can't really consume one otherwise.

  4. She was parked and still got busted for drunk driving? How does that work? They can arrest you on the mere assumption that you drove drunk to get where you are? If the cop did not actually witness her in motion, I don't see how the charge can't be beat. Or is it illegal to sit in a parked vehicle sipping a beer? Someone please enlighten me.

    1. "Or is it illegal to sit in a parked vehicle sipping a beer?"
      You've never heard of anybody getting busted for having an open container in a vehicle?

      No, your vehicle doesn't need to be rolling for you to get a DUI. You can get one sitting in the driver's seat of a parked vehicle if you're impaired.
      If you're in a passenger's seat of a parked vehicle sipping a beer, you just earned an open container ticket.

  5. She was a real danger. Meanwhile, people are texting, mapping, and talking on their phones while doing 75 mph and that's fine.


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