
Monday, September 25, 2023

Your Monday Morning Florida Report

After his two-year-old dog attacked a new puppy he had brought home, a Florida Man shot the older canine to death with a weapon he retrieved from a gun cabinet, cops report. 

According to a court affidavit, Shane Braley, 36, was “extremely intoxicated” last week when he executed the dog outside his home in Jensen Beach, an Atlantic Coast locale.


I'm gonna beat you to the punch: Some people just need killing.



  2. Should have just shot himself. Moron for bring a strange puppy into his home without doing a little "like" research. Always prefer dogs over most people!

  3. So beating his wife and killing his dog is the same punishment, don't let them women liberals find out about that... And what's up with his sunglasses ?????

  4. I had a lab-shepard bitch who was a puppy killer-I had her put down when she finally managed to successfully kill one.

    I'd done my best to stop it, but it appeared to be genetic. I buried two dogs that day; she was otherwise one of the best dogs I'd ever had.

  5. Some? You are too kind. A whole damned bunch need killing.


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