
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

100 Billion Dollars.....

The Biden administration plans to ask Congress for $100 billion in Ukraine and Israel aid, Bloomberg reported Tuesday. 

The outlet reported:


The damned government must be taking lessons from my ex on spending money we don't have or can't afford to spend.


  1. .gov wrote the book on spending money we don't have.

  2. Checkbooks closed. Fuck off Ukraine.

  3. It would be different if this money came from a surplus, but it doesn't. It would be different if we even HAD the money, but we don't. This spending is beyond insane, it's criminal. These people are obviously getting quite rich on the returns here, at the expense of our country's security, and the debt load on our children's children's children. Anyone approving these expenditures on a war that's not even ours should be tried for sabotage and treason.

  4. FJB's handlers will probably find a way to capitalize on the absence of a Speaker of the House and bypass Congress, invoking some war or emergency power that permits the President to act unilaterally

  5. More and more it seems the " burn it all down" option is the only option.

    1. Charlie, the "burn it all down option" isn't an option anymore. It is now a "burn it all down imperative"

  6. This admin is 100 Billion + times worse than King George III ever was.

  7. What's the problem? Financial wizard, Janet Yellen said "Not to worry, we can afford 2 wars!" Don't you believe her?
    - WDS

    1. In that clip, she reminded me of Samantha Steven's Aunt Clara, and we know how that shit turned out.

  8. A real world Dr. Evil.....

  9. The two biggest criminal money laundering regimes on the planet. Nobody should be shocked.

  10. Ukraine already gives The big guy 10% and shortly Israel will provide another 10%, but that's just a build up for the coming Russia 40% & Chinky land 40%.

    1. Joe's former boss said "At some point, you've made enough money."

  11. Mrs. Zelensky needs to go on another million dollar shopping spree. Won't you help?

  12. I am not positive, but I believe that all aid to Israel had to be spent with the United States, and it might have had to go towards military equipment. I have always supported Israel, and they are America's best ally in the middle east. It is strategically wise to help them, to maintain a solid foothold in that area.
    As far as Ukraine, Russia invaded them. Just like North Korea went into the South, and North Vietnam went into the south. I remember what happened in both of those instances when America decided to get involved in some other nations war. America has been called Imperialistic and a nation builder. I don't see any reason to doubt that. Like it has been said, we can't afford to continue on the path we are on.

    1. The crew of the USS Liberty would differ with that statement.

  13. Too many people are buying into the myth that deficits don't matter. These same idiots think that inflation is only a matter of corporate greed.

    1. I have commenters here that have said that about inflation.

    2. Many, many years ago I was attending community college. In an econ class we had to read the book "In The Long Run We're All Dead." It was all about deficits don't matter. The prof. was all for that Keynes crap. He asked the class who didn't understand it, I was the only one to raise my hand. I didn't understand it because its all BS. -sammy

    3. "Deficits don't matter" until your kids and grandkids have to pay off your mortgage, car note(s) and credit cards.

  14. Enough spending elsewhere. When o when will it begin. FJB

  15. I'll wager my ex was worse. Not only was she spending money that we didn't have, she was intercepting the mail and stuffing bounced check letters anywhere she could hide them. After she was gone, I found dozens of them under the mattress when i rotated it. I also found 50 or more stuffed into an old purse in the basement. And it wasn't like I wasn't earning good money at that time, either.

  16. Fuck Ukraine, Israel and Slo Joe..
    We're broke so git the fuck away

  17. So we give $6 billion to the enemy (Iran) who funds Hamas and now they want to give billions more to Israel to fight them? This is obviously a manufactured war meant to bankrupt our government

  18. Biden is a spendthrift with the taxpayer’s money. And where the F is Congress? They are the keepers of the purse springs of the Treasury and should protect all their constituents from spend spend spend.on shit that has no benefit to their respective districts. And by the way, Let’s go Brandon!

  19. Not surprising they would tie aid to Israel in with aid to Ukraine. They seem to be quiet about the aid Palestinians will be sure to get

  20. war is big profits to corporations', it has always has been about the money. and they funnel the money back to the politicians who vote for the spending. always has been. when will they start allocating money to the U.S., never, there is more money in war than in infrastructure and building America's future. we, as US citizens have largely been forgotten.
    secure our south and northern boarders and start drilling wells. bring our jobs home and make us the self sustaining great power that we once were

  21. Someone's working overtime tobight at the mint to print up this cash..

  22. Imagine what 100 Billion could do for our infrastructure here at home; or providing subsidies for people who are working lower middle class and still can't afford health insurance. We don't seem to have any problems paying for all of these illegals flooding our country though.

  23. Broadly speaking, in performing their duties, Presidents and Members of the Senate & House are protected by civil & criminal lawsuits by "Qualified Immunity". Such protection just combines insult & injury to politicians spending "other peoples money" (OPM).
    Congress has some reputation for Members acquiring unusual levels of wealth - vis a vis their salary - in short order of being elected. How about our Miraculous Millionaires of Congress posting their wealth as surety for domestic/foreign aid disbursements made. And nowhere do I recall such disbursements being classified as "loans". Best classification I recall is "aid". Pledging their "Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor " was an accepted part of duty.

  24. Of all the countries that don't need any more of other people's money, those two countries don't need any more of other people's money the most.


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