
Monday, October 09, 2023

A pillar of society, he is

A 62-year-old spokesman for Los Angeles County has been arrested in San Bernardino County on charges of producing, possessing and distributing child pornography, authorities announced Tuesday. 

Steven Frasher, a resident of Redlands, was taken into custody after an investigation that led to the search of his residence, according to a news release from the San Bernardino Police Department.


  1. Thus explaining the huge drive by the democrats to normalize pedophilia, with at the top the Pedophile Of The United States.

  2. Why am I no longer surprised by any of this shit ?

  3. Those poor, stigmatized, minor attracted persons, having to put up with those archaic, bigoted child trafficking laws. Like, age is just a number, dude.

    The easiest way to determine just how abnormal all leftist BS is? Nothing normal has to be normalized by anyone.

  4. War will be peace, peace war, truth will be lies, lies truth, perversion will be the norm and the norm perversion. Orwell was a fucking 20th century Nostradmus.

  5. If Biden had a son...oh, my bad!

  6. it would be "news" if the vile degenerate was a Republican.

  7. Given the the Epstein Island people haven't been prosecuted, we know that TPTB don't care about pedophiles. So what did this guy really do? Child porn is the pretext, what really happened? Not enough kickback to the big guy?

  8. A quick check of the map tells me he lives in the same area as my high school and junior high. I don't recall the grade schools in the vicinity area since it's been 50 years since I lived there.

  9. I tend to look at Child Porn charge with some skepticism. If the accused has actual print material than yeah.... he's probably guilty. If the "evidence" exists solely on a computer the accused may actually be a victim. It's pretty easy for hackers and Fed Gov agents to plant kiddie porn on any PC connected to the internet to be used against someone they want destroyed.

  10. What? He didn't work for Disney?


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