
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

An illegal carrying around $2k in cash.....

CHICAGO — A Venezuelan citizen living at a downtown migrant shelter was carrying nearly $2,000 cash when Chicago police arrested him for jumping a turnstile at the Lake Red Line station, according to his arrest report.


  1. yeah. and tell me again about the poor illegals coming here. most retires around here don't have that kind of pocket money on them. hell, I don't ! dave in pa.

  2. $2k?
    That's nothing. Votes cost money you know.

  3. It's my understanding each adult gets $2,200 every month. That's much more than I get in SS. Married couples get twice that along with other benefits. They're really screwing us Americans over. As far as the Scabies goes they're bringing every kind of disease across that border including AIDS, Hep, TB, etc. -sammy

    1. yeah. thus is a big fuck you to the average tax payer trying to live on their SSI money.
      and they will wonder what they did wrong when the average person wants to hang them too. or maybe we go the old French way of dealing with assholes ?
      dave in pa.

    2. That's right, every ne'er do well that can drag their sorry freeloading ass across the border is automatically handed social services, EBT, food stamps, housing, medical care, etc. equivalent to a 40 hour week at over $24/hour.

      Play by the rules, work your ass of for 45 years, try to retire on social security you might be eligible for $11/hour tops, then you still have to cover your food and housing out of that!

      "Work your fingers to the bone and what do you get?
      Bony fingers, bony fingers"
      - Hoyt Axton, 1974

  4. When you freeload and don't have any expenses it's a lot easier to save some up. Most days I'm hard up to have a twenty in my pocket

  5. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that a person who likely committed fraud to enter the country would continue to engage in criminal acts.

  6. He'll be released on no bail. Possibly rewarded for damages. Cops will be reprimanded.

  7. They'll keep putting their dicks until we stop bending over.

  8. I’m down here working on Smit Lake in Winston co Al.. if you’d told me 50 years ago I’d be hearing that shitty fix&!#€ mexican music traveling across the water, I’d of said you’re crazy! This trash is all over the job sites. All the big time builders have sold their soles for money.

  9. Most people won't carry that much cash for fear it will be stolen.
    Which is probably how Vinnie Venezuela got it.


    1. CC companies charge 3% both ways on a transaction and paying in cash makes a noticeable difference both to my own savings and to wholesalers. A local retail business offers 10% off if I pay in cash. Unfortunately, cops aren't all that different from cartel members and will rob people if they smell cash.

      The United States of War: Land of the debt, home of the slave.

      - Arc

    2. You hate cops. Yes, we get it. You take every opportunity to remind us enough to the point you sound like a broken record.

  10. A one week Ventra pass to ride the CTA is only fifteen bucks (plus five for the plastic card).


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