
Monday, October 02, 2023

Commentary: ‘High Election Worker Turnover’ Is the Left’s Newest Ploy to Federalize Elections

There’s a crisis in American democracy, all right, and the Left created it. 

Last week, Democrats fired the latest salvo in a long war to radically transform American elections by eroding state and local control, replacing ballot-counters with a centralized, D.C.-run bureaucracy.


  1. The crisis of America is democracy , mob rule instead of the republic as prescribed by our constitution. The system that has been incrementally legislated away by those that only wanted everyone to be safe and healthy.

    1. This IS what a reeEEeepublic is. They give you the "right" to choose which of them will rule you.

  2. The Progressives are so neurotic & obsessed they eat, sleep and live their plans to dominate over their enemies. if a crisis arrives, they hop on the bandwagon not wanting to let the crisis go to waste. If there is no crisis then stay awake at night to create one. Conservatives are leave me alone individualists. My realistic base advice: Don't bet on a 3-legged horse.

  3. The democratic selection process causes problems because the math is flawed. It shouldnt take over 100% of the voting population to win ...

  4. I have a friend who volunteered to be an election worker in his hometown of Phoenix for the 2024 election. He filled out an application and when they found out that he is a registered conservative, they turned him down. He is going to reapply as a liberal to see if they say, “OK.”


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