
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Commentary: Stand Up to Left’s Use of COVID to Shut Down America

The Democrat Leftists and oligarchical elites are very capable people; it brings pain to admit it, but it’s true. In the midst of seeking the demise the 45th President and his legal team from 2020, they have managed to continue the fear factor that ushered in mail-in ballots and multiple week voting ensuring a myriad of unexplained discrepancies, ballots without a chain-of-custody, and the White House.


  1. The SARS‑CoV‑2 virus that causes COVID-19 was intentionally released worldwide by the CCP in cahoots with the WHO, WEF, CDC, NIAID, and the rest of the globalist elitist scum.

    Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine could have easily and cheaply stopped the disease in its tracks and very, very few people would have died, and they ALL FUCKING KNEW IT!

    The media and the medical establishment aided and abetted this MASS MURDER!

    They need to be dragged into the streets by their lips and executed!

    I'll be dipped if I follow even a single PANDEMIC! mandate. I will vote in person with no mask. If I am prevented from doing so, there will be a shit storm.

    1. At the beginning of the pandemic, the Indian government distributed packets with hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to every one of its citizens.

  2. Fuck Joe Biden and all leftists!

  3. I have found the following treatment that has kept me from getting the 99.9 percent survivable Wuhan flu... I don't get tested. Serious question... what are you going to change if you test positive for it? Stay home if you are sick and able to, and go to work if you are not sick and able to.

    1. Yup. Never test, never positive.

    2. None of it ever made sense. Living in Florida, Sunshine, fresh air, exercise had kept me healthy especially sense I survived terminal cancer 8 years before the plandamit. When I see the pig pharma (that was not a typo) having no liability, government bribing me with donuts and cheeseburgers, I had to do my own research. One item of interest, Fauci co-authored an article in the 1980's on masks. The group found the flu of 1919 major cause of death was bacterial pneumonia, caused by masks. No trust in him. Another anomaly, every ad (ad nauseam) on television for any drug came with a long list of side affects. "Tell your doctor about..." Why would we tell our doctor about a drug? Shouldn't they be telling us? Regardless, the experimental jab never had any information. Sorry DC, I was raised to ask questions when things seem, coerced.


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