
Tuesday, October 03, 2023


Word that New York City set a drug-overdose death-toll record last year was underscored this week by Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan’s proposal that everybody now pack an OD rescue kit. 

“You should be carrying Narcan right now,” he says. “Narcan needs to be everywhere.”


  1. Naw, let them go, let them go, let them go. It is a self correcting problem.

    1. I respect their right to kill themselves any way they want. Land of the free and home to liberal morons.

  2. Fuck em, let them die!

  3. Awesome idea: when people want to commit suicide by taking anything they can get their hands on EVERYBODY else should carry stuff to save them 7*24.
    Problem though: WHAT should I carry with me for those who want to kill themselves jumping off of a bridge?

    I have a much better solution to the amount of OD's: just let them, that's what they want. They'll never do it again.

    1. Only if its got a milk jug full of gravel on the other end.

  4. Suicidal junkie (great name for an indie band, btw): "Stay away from narcan, man. That shit'll save you."

    1. Well there is a band called Suicidal Junkies and there is also Suicidal Tendencies.

  5. You can’t walk in the NYC parks or walk down certain streets anymore without encountering used needles strewn all over the place, or junkies more effed up than Wirecutter claims he has been in his “I’ve been that effed up before” posts. If the bastards want to experiment with street fentanyl or heroin, f**k them! Maybe the various states with a death penalty should consider using heavy duty narcotics as their death drug. It is cheap and very effective, and the person just goes buh-by without any problems or screw-ups.

    By the way, if all of you out there haven’t figured this out yet, stay the hell out of NYC until a white knight such as Giuliani comes along to the rescue and cleans things up.

  6. Yeah, but the problem is that there are stories out there of innocent people who barely touch fentanyl and end up dying. I am considering telling my adult kids for themselves and my granddaughter..

    1. Then don't try to help them if you suspect that they're overdosing on fentanyl. On the other hand, if you think helping them is the right thing to do, make sure you don't wear gloves.

  7. In my old hometown of Vancouver, the EMR personal relate what happens when Narcan is readily available. The users tend to now shoot deadly amounts to take their high to the ultimate, knowing that someone will probably save them.

    It has gotten so bad that some of the EMR have treated these druggies 30, 40, or more times. Sometimes the dose that the druggie takes is so high that after the narcan wears off, the druggie goes back into an overdose and the same crew that saved them a few hours ago, has to inject them again!

    This is not how you "help" addicts.

  8. Want to cut the number of drug over-doses? It's logical, but it won't go down with the emotional reacting, need to "feel good" folks. I've always contended: Legalize fentanyl and ban Narcan

    1. Don't ban Narcan, but make it prescription only.

  9. One wonders how much Narcan stock Aswin owns. And no, if someone wants to OD right next to me, I don't consider it my responsibility to be prepared for the event.

  10. Darwin is scratching his head.

  11. Narcan doesn't work on many medications, and it can stop working before the opioid does, requiring repeat doses.

  12. "Fuck em, let them die!" from anonymous @8:06AM above.

    I've been saying this here and elsewhere for several years.

    Why should taxpayers be funding "rescues" of people who are just going to keep doing it to themselves every time they're "saved".

    OD's, like criminals killed in the act of committing a crime like a home invasion, have a zero recidivism rate.


  13. I am reminded of a passage in an old science fiction novel, where the lead character notices a leaf edge poking out from under a rock(or something like that), and removes the rock. Sometime later, after he has learned more about his talent for seeing the future, he goes back and puts the rock on the plant - "That was its fate." So with the cold-heartedness of seeing friends who have suffered from a family member's addiction: no Narcan. If they want recovery, they have to reach out for it, not lather, rinse, repeat, thinking some EMT will bring 'em back for more. I reserve my compassion for those who seek help.

  14. Sure, and everyone should carry a pizza, just in case some degenerate, scum-suckin' homeless bum says he's starvin'.

  15. Liberal NY City Mayor is bitching about all the illegal immigrants coming to NYC.
    Increase the flow of fentanyl into the city for "city" residents and make room for more illegal immigrants. It's the American way.

  16. I'm shocked! Narcan is a DRUG! It should only be administered by a licensed physician, after a thorough medical examination.

  17. Fuck it-if I see you foaming at the mouth, I have to assume you're rabid, and stay away.


  18. Since Alberta started giving out narcan kits free the drug abuse and crime rates have skyrocketed.

    Our corporate offices is in calgary downtowm and used to offer a free monthly transit pass to employees to encourage them to take the train. Except the # taking the offer has plummetted as the train went from mostly safe even after dark to 9 knifings this year.


  19. Make free epipens and I’ll consider if I also get free insulin


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