
Thursday, October 05, 2023

Commentary: U.S. Military-Sanctioned Diversity Initiatives Are Out of Control

As those who have ever served in the military know, the United States Armed Forces is one of the most culturally and socioeconomically diverse institutions in America. It is full of patriotic Americans from all walks of life who come together to serve their country, fight for it, and ultimately die for it if called to. To have served in the military in any form is to be a member of an exclusive club in this country. Although there are some barriers to entry, race is not among them.


  1. Putin: YES, diversity and inclusion. We need more Russians inside of the US military.
    Xi Jinping: YES, diversity and inclusion. We need more Chinese inside of the US military.
    Kim Jong Zero: YES, diversity and inclusion. We need more North Koreans inside of the US military.

  2. We’re going to go back to Napoleonic times. Where the battles will be decided by the side with the less battlefield desertion.
    Anyone who’s served in a infantry unit knows that Espirt deCorps is everything.
    Who would stand and fight to the death for a officer corps where men wear dresses?

  3. Fuck communism and fuck our communist/faggot military. The Air Force should put Red stars on their planes.

  4. I served a very long time active and reserve(24). We did not have to put up with this bullshit. I only ever saw one racial problem and it was taken care of quickly. We had all colors and no problems. We had a guy from Ecuador who served with us and worked hard and got his US citizenship when he was an E-4 and when I last saw was a great NCO.

    1. Same here. I was in the military from '78 to '81, and there were zero racial incidents on my entire kaserne during the time I was there.


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