
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dozens join lawsuit alleging Apple AirTags are 'weapon of choice' of stalkers, abusers

Over two dozen new plaintiffs have joined an existing lawsuit, accusing Apple Inc. of negligence for failing to prevent stalkers from abusing its popular AirTag tracking product. 

The lawsuit, filed last December, now has 38 plaintiffs, and alleges that the tech giant dismissed concerns that its AirTag device could increase stalking, despite the device offering "unparalleled accuracy, ease of use, and affordability."


  1. How is this Apple’s fault ? Anything can be misused.

  2. Makes me wonder how many of those 38 'plaintiffs' had heard about Airtags when they read about the lawsuit.
    I do agree though, that, sadly, this is one piece of technology that should NOT be out there in the world, though, hangings every Wednesday night on public square for stalkers may allow Apple to bring it back.

  3. I personally hate all apple products but it's not apple's fault if it's products get used for purposes it wasn't intended for..... The criminals are guilty of breaking a law not the products

  4. Simple. Universal Background Checks and Registration for all Airtags.

    Hey, they swear that will work for guns...

    1. Let's be more specific to make it the same as with guns: "only responsible law-abiding airtag owners need a background check".

  5. So none of these plaintiffs were actually stalked with an AirTag? This lawsuit should be tossed.

  6. Not Apple's fault. Any technology can be misused. The product is very helpful for lost bags and the like. Suit should be tossed with prejudice, AND with all fees and legal bills paid by the plaintiffs.

  7. No sirtags within 500 feet if a school? Nit alowed to use a bag that carries 10 or more Airtags?


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