
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Forgive me for snickering

Josh Kruger, a leftist journalist and activist who was based in Philadelphia, was shot and killed inside his home on Monday. Kruger had a long history of downplaying violent crime in the city, often openly mocking those who expressed concerns about homicides in Philadelphia.


  1. I'm laughing my ass off!

  2. Adios you asshole Motherfucker! Sadly, Trump & MAGA will get the blame.

  3. He won't have to concern himself now, lol

  4. "Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!"
    - Gomer Pyle

    1. He was queer too.

      Just sayin....

  5. I can't bring myself to care....

  6. If he was killed by a democrat voter it is still not a crime.

    1. Of course not. If their intentions were good, disastrous results are to be forgiven.
      I despise Democrats.

  7. As Michael Palin once said- "Howls! Howls of derisive laughter!"

  8. In Josh's honor, lets not investigate the incident and bury the story on the back pages.

  9. four times as many Philadelphians have died of COVID than gun shots this year

    Kudos to fudge-packin' Kruger for taking one for the team toward evening up those odds.

    1. How easily the masses were utterly fooled. Died w wuflu vs died from - then there is the question:
      what happened to the million or so influenza deaths we see every year that suddenly went to 1200?? How can so many not think critically & ask simple questions?

      Worse, they shrug off the obvious answers & insist you wear a mask/get clot shots.... omg, the fking stupid is astounding

      We are doomed as a nation. Jus sayin


  10. I wonder how he got paid for a living. This event saved taxpayers some grief.

  11. Don't cry. Liberals & Leftists are NOT human beings. They really aren't. They've foregone their humanity to become what they are so it's OK to giggle. Sort of like when a big wasp splatters on the windshield of the car.

  12. No word on whether he changed his mind?

  13. They say don't speak of the dead unless you say something good..... Dumbass is dead, good

  14. How many perforations before he ran into Feinstein?

  15. The hate is thick here. Maybe why yall can't win an election lmao

    1. No, we can't win a presidential election because you cocksuckers cheat.

      It's a telling sign of your lack of intelligence that with exploding crime in your democrat run cities, the highest inflation rate in years, the price of gas double of what it was the day before Biden took office, and your government shoveling millions of dollars per day into Ukraine's losers, and yet you still vote democrat.
      Oh yeah, lmao.

    2. Kenny, you left out illegals flooding his liberal cities and his kind actively mutilating children's sexual organs and grooming them.

    3. How could you forget about his heroes locking down the economy for two years? How many people died alone because their families weren't allowed in hospitals? How many businesses failed? How many people lost their jobs?

    4. I'm sorry, the liberals have fucked up so much shit in the past 3 years it causes overload to even think about it. My bad.

    5. What about liberal politicians allowing antifa to run wild in Portland and Seattle?

    6. We didn't loose the election dumbass. The cowards that supposedly represent us let the demokraps steal the election so fuck off

    7. Trump allowed the riots. And he locked the economy down. 15 days to slow the spread . Ken hates the truth so most likely never see this. But Kenny knows lmao

    8. Oh kiss my ass. The reason I don't post your comments is because you're an asshole troll, your first comment today being very typical of your usual type of comment, but today you're on a roll and I can't resist.
      For starters, other than lockdowns I notice you didn't even attempt to refute a fucking thing me and the other commenters said.

      As to this latest comment, Trump had no control over metro areas. You knew that, right? RIGHT? He damned sure couldn't put troops on the ground to restore order because that would violate the The Posse Comitatus Act. Google that sometime, you might learn something. The only person who could do that would be the LIBERAL governors of those States if they were to activate the National Guard. It's not a Federal matter although that could be argued after Antifa laid siege to the Federal Building in Portland. If that wasn't a fucking insurrection I don't know what is.
      And yeah, Trump started the lockdown, one of the reasons I won't vote for him this time around, but who kept it going? And going? And going? And going?

      This conversation with you is over. I have better things to do this evening than to sit around and make you look stupid. You're doing a fine job of that all by yourself.

      I do find it curious though that as liberal as you are, you still make this a regular stop. Got a crush on me, do ya big boy? lmao

    9. Trump made mistakes. So? He also had a bunch of advisors he trusted who stabbed him in the back so much it made Julius Ceasar's death look like a kindergarden fight. Seriously, in a selection between Trump and any dem candidate, I'd choose Trump. Against most republican candidates, I'd choose Trump.

      Knew a guy that got shafted like Trump did. Second time around he didn't fall for any of it and it was fun watching all the backstabbing little shits get their just rewards.

    10. And when he gets re-elected, I can guarantee you this time he'll keep his promise and drain that swamp. Then he's going to build a fucking resort right on top of it.
      It's gonna be epic.

  16. Ever consider he might have the last laugh since he'll be voting by mail in the 2024 election

  17. "...his own journey surviving substance use disorder and homelessness."

    Libspeak for "Currently an ex-junkie with a job."


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