
Friday, October 20, 2023

"Fuck it, y'all are on your own if you know so much"

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — Experts hired to catch a 13-foot-long albino quit just weeks after being hired for the job and the location of the snake remains a mystery. 

“When you hire a professional, you should probably take their advice,” said Trevor Bounds, owner of Red Beards Wildlife Solutions.


  1. Good for him!
    Article doesn't give too many details, but he said the mgnt was rude and disrespectful, so they left.
    Ok, fine, you catch the snake. Goodbye. Great way to handle it.

  2. Being aggressively second guessed and questioned by ignorant, single stage thinkers isn't enough fun to put up with.

  3. I bet the snake handler is overloaded with work.

  4. I'm with him. When someone brings something into my shop for welding repairs and then proceeds to tell me how to do it, I tell them that if they know how to fix it, take it back to their shop and do it there. I don't take advice from amateurs.

    1. We'd have a problem then Paul, when I get something welded I make sure it includes a full package. Pre-heat instructions, post heat instructions, rod type, travel speed, size and type of welded etc.

      You dont want to follow it then I'll find someone else. There are reasons we design welds a specific way especially repairs.


    2. Exactly. They want all the input, and to offshore the liability to somebody else. People that do this are dicks. 'I want X... no no no no no, not like that!" very tiresome, it is.

    3. I fall somewhere in the middle. I do most of my own repairs on damn near everything. 'Cause I can. On the rare occasion I do take something to a shop it's with an idea in mind of what I want done. I share that idea with the expert, then let them explain to me where my ignorance has led me down a primrose path. Sometimes I actually get what I want, other times the expert saves me from myself.

      I almost always walk away having learned something new.

    4. If I am the one doing the welding repair, I know how to do it. If I am too busy and need to third-party the task, and I need to second guess whoever is doing it, then I send the repair somewhere else. It never takes long to assess and verify the professionalism of others in the field - if it does, then you need to pay attention more.

  5. Nothingburger details, one-sided typical "breaking news team coverage."

    1. Trailer park has a big ass snake wandering around.
      Management hires snake dude to catch it.
      Management is rude to snake dude's team and tries to tell them how to do their job.
      Snake dude tells them to fuck off.
      Snake is still on the loose.

      What other details do you need, the name of snake dude's wife? What kind of truck he was driving? How many male and/or female employees were involved in catching said snake?

    2. How about getting the other side's story...and your other suggestions wouldn't harm this sorry excuse of an article posing as journalism.

    3. How about you go back a few days and read the first article I posted about it instead just making snide comments?

  6. Sounds like the HOA mgr is suffering from a TMSE (Too Much Self Esteem) infection. It's a nationwide affliction.

  7. The HOA is on the hook for any problems, they have actual notice of an inherently dangerous thing on property that they control.

  8. When you hire an expert, you should say "what", you both should dicker on "how much", and they should say "how". Sounds like that didn't happen. If I had to guess, there was privacy pushback on that "put cameras all over the place" part.

  9. I had a boss like that once. He hired a company to do some fiber and ethernet runs in our office and across the shop floor. He was nagging and second guessing them at every step until they finally said fuck it and bailed a short way in (if you met this boss, you'd understand.) That left us in a huge bind and someone else had to be brought in at a much higher cost to complete the job. I was acquainted with the guy running that crew and explained what happened and upon hearing that he apparently quite forcefully told my boss to stay out of his people's way, and things wound up going smoothly.


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