
Monday, October 30, 2023

I'd have to shoot a motherfucker

Residents of a New Zealand city are fed up with a strange fad wherein people outfit their cars with an array of sizeable speakers and blast Celine Dion songs to prove that they have the most powerful sound system. The strange trend, dubbed 'siren battles,' reportedly started earlier this year in the community of Porirua and has caught fire over the last few weeks in particular. With residents being disturbed at all hours of the night by the Canadian singer's classics being belted out by cars, Mayor Anita Baker acknowledged that the situation has gotten out of control and declared that "we need to find somewhere alternative for these people to go or they need to stop."


I mean, rap blasting from car speakers at every intersection is bad enough, but Celine Dion?


  1. Fucken sicko Kiwis, the things that they do with sheep is bad enough, but Celine Dion? Man, that shit is a low act, even for uNZid.

  2. It's the kids on their bikes doing it that piss me off most - riding around being noisy and annoying people. The speakers can be quite substantial. The kids are feeding off of a TV add for the Rugby World Cup (what's rugby I hear) that featured kids riding around making noise. There are some complete twats in marketing.

  3. 'Round here, that sub base whale fart played. No idea what the attraction is to that. Celine Dion music is a step up from that shit. Between these two is 'prison rap', songs from the Get-Toe. Lyrics like 'Gimme yo money and yo wallet or I'll kill the Bitch that whichchoo'.

  4. Hans. Get ze flammenwerfer.

  5. Every year there is some new kid who comes on the road past the farm with the bass thumping on their way to school. I keep hoping that just one year there could be silence from this annoying crap, but no. Year after year after year.

  6. I've always had the urge to duct tape some assholes head to their speakers and turn the volume all the way up. While I don't particularly care for Celine Dion (eat something, will ya) there is one song I really like. It's called "Seduces Me".

  7. I'll TALK! I'll TALK, Just turn that gawdawful stuff off!

  8. Can't be any worse than the Adhan being blared 5X a day in some cities in the USA.
    (the Adhan is the 'Zlim call to prayer)
    - WDS

  9. We have 2 reasons to rejoice: 1- At least they haven't gone as far as having giant sized pictures of Lenardo DiCrapio hanging on a wooden plank floating on the ocean pasted on the car doors. 2- It isn't Taylor Swift's voice.

  10. Well NZ is a country like Australia,, the people are sheep and turned in their firearms, so I doubt any deserving motherfuckers will be shot...

    1. JD, can you spell compulsory confiscation? If not, have a look in the law dictionary, the same one that says the 2nd. Amendment of your Constitution guarantees you the right to bear arms, that such will not be infringed. Except that with your totalitarian Socialist gubmint it is denied you, how’s that working out for you, huh?
      In all Australian states, the same scum that rules your lives managed to confiscate 670,000 huns, mostly ones like 10/22s and A-5s. Except for states that already had registration (which is simply delayed confiscation), all the SLRs, AR-10s and -15s, M-14s, SARs & SACs, SKSs and AKs, M-1 rifles and carbines; you get the drift, all those guns are still out there, a bottomless pit, which the porkforce acknowledges.
      JD, and others, you’re talking shit about something that you haven’t had to live under. Free-thinking and freedom-loving men and women exist in every country in the world, some under near-totalitarian rule, but I don’t see Ken’s Aussie or Kiwi readers here making fatuous comments about the tens of thousands of gun laws that citizens of the US must live with because your ‘elected’ leaders choose to violate much of the Constitution that they swore to uphold.
      What the hell have you done recently to protect said Constitution, JD? Apart from casting aspersions on other people, I mean? I’m abiding by Ken’s comments rules here, and choosing not to say a few things I’m in the mood to. Lookin’ at you too, Nemo.

    2. Johno.... I can spell just fine and I also have comprehension on what happens when so called men lay down like little bitches and surrender to their government because that's what bitches do....
      As for me I am an active member of several gun rights organizations, I call and contact my representatives on legislation I am in favor of and those I am apposed to.. I also show up at my state capital to meet with my representatives on legislative action days, I contribute money monthly to gun rights to support action communities for gun rights. Do you want me to go on or do you now understand some of what I am doing ?? While we are on the subject what did you do before getting on your knees and beg for your rights ???? Oh and as to your mood, is it that time of the month ??

  11. Why Celine Dion? It's like those Kiwis have a thing for trannies, after the dictatorship of that dude Ardern

  12. It's Slaughter To Prevail coming out of my truck at 110Dbs.


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