
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Just who you want teaching and influencing your kids

Two Tennessee elementary substitute teachers, who are also a couple, were cited for prostitution after police completed an undercover operation, with one saying they did it for extra money for several years or they’d “starve.” 

Ezra Fry, 22, and David Acevedo, 25, who both work in Hamilton County Schools, were caught in August.


  1. But according to the left, LBGQ+ people are good for your kids. Perfect role models.

  2. Wood chipper material....

  3. How often does this type of situation happen and we never hear about it?

  4. I don't know what we have here but I wouldn't take it for free, let alone pay for it.

  5. How about a free flight to Gaza?

  6. This can all be Ended. Quickly.
    Parents just need to Step TF UP!

    Either you get Nasty with these psychotics…
    The Psychotics Get Nasty With YOUR Kids.

    Psychotics or your kids?

  7. No teacher left behind.

  8. I have to ask the question that ALL OF US are wondering. Who the hell is giving these people jobs as teachers in schools influencing our children? And why?

    Sadly, we know the answer. Which means just one thing. The ROT in our school system goes up the way to the top. Nowhere in the complete leadership chain of hiring is saying NOPE, you are NOT teacher material. These two misfits of society couldn't get a job working the night shift at a 7-11 in a real world where common sense prevailed. Only a person who wants the destruction of our society and the corruption of our children would hire these mentally diseased scumbags to work as a teacher.

    Is it me, or does our school system no longer prepare our kids for the real world, where they can become happy productive members of a society and have the means to obtain a good job and a happy life. Instead, kids are indoctrinated with hate, an inability to reason or listen to other points of view and believe that they are always right, and know nothing about history, basic math, reading or writing.

    What we are seeing today in our schools would be laughed at as a joke 20+ years ago. The only thing that is happening that is good, is that the left has become so unhinged, so aggressively leftist, that they are no longer afraid to show us what they really are. They think it is now safe to be like they are. They used to hide their insanity, but now it is full on display, with all of them trying to show those in charge of their side just how "woke" they are, that they no longer realize that the real majority, is seeing just how batshit insane they really are. Even a person who used to pride themselves as a loving democrat is scratching their heads in wonder of what their democrat party is doing.

    When CW2 gets underway (when, not if), the backlash is going to be gruesome and brutal. The left has held the pendulum for so long, that when it slips, and it will slip, it won't just swing in the other direction, it is going to snap back with such ferocity, that those in the way will not be safe. The left thinks they have the power and control and flaunt this happily. What they don't understand is that We The People, with our live and let live attitude, have been building up steam and anger at what they are doing to our country, our children, our Constitution. We know they are no longer about trying to live their lives, they are trying to dictate how we should live ours as well. They claim that they just want to be allowed to live their lives without fear of persecution and punishment for who they are, but are doing exactly to us what they claim is being done to them. The day of reckoning is coming. We The People will not let things continue on this ride of insanity. And when the gauntlet is thrown down, just like Israel, the lash back will not be proportional. We will not just fight to go back to how things used to be. We are not going to just spray a few roaches running across the kitchen floor, we are going to tent the entire house. There is no living with these people. They will not stop, they will not be reasoned with, and they will continue their destruction of America and our children...unless we take the one action that ensures they no longer continue. There was a time I would say that I hope it would never come to that. But lately, I kinda am hoping it does indeed...come to that.

    1. Gonna make it look like the Hutus and Tutsis were just having a friendly game.

  9. And then one day, for no reason at all…

  10. Gee, when I went to grammar school in Chattanooga, our teachers were middle-aged women who taught us the three R's and didn't stand for any nonsense. Oh, and we stood for the Pledge of Allegeance and had an hour of Bible study each week. It was mostly memorizing Bible verses, not indoctrination. Must have been OK since I'm essentially non-religious except for being a cultural Christian.

  11. Damn Kenny... what shit house did you lift to find this?

  12. Is this what's left with the crummy pay and respect that teachers tend to get these days? On the one hand, I agree with the 'who let these people teach'. On the other...this is who you get when you see the pay a teacher gets, much less a substitute teacher. Checking Tennessee rates, it looks like substitutes may start under $9 an hour to babysit a room full of kids. Shoot, I paid more than that per hour for babysitting ONE kid, much less a roomful.

  13. Replies
    1. I’m ready for the mass ovening phase.

  14. It seems to me that idiots are teaching in some parts of the world why they are allowed I do not understand

  15. They should be put out of my misery. Probably support Hamas and drag shows for kindergarten kids.


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