
Monday, October 09, 2023

Liz Cheney Calls Trump’s Actions on January 6th as ‘Evil as You Can Imagine’

MISSOULA, Montana – Liz Cheney said Thursday that what former President Donald Trump did on January 6th is as “evil as you can imagine” and as much of a “dereliction of duty of an American president we have ever seen.”

“[Trump] was watching [the riot] on television, and he thought the mob was doing the right thing. And no matter how many times people pleaded with him to tell the mobs to go home, he wouldn’t do it,” the former Wyoming representative said in a talk at the University of Montana’s 2023 Mansfield Center Lecture series. Cheney took questions from former Montana Governor Marc Racicot. The Montana GOP passed a resolution in February rebuking Racicot’s status as a Republican due to him endorsing Democratic candidates over GOP ones.


  1. What her father helped coordinate on 9-11 is about as evil as you can imagine...if you don't count Covid and the jab, the Gulf of Tonkin and its aftermath, FDR and Pearl Harbor......

  2. Well since Trump offered up the National Guard days before, and Pelosi and the Police chief said "NOPE we don't need them", the blame for any actions taking place on Jan 6th falls on their head, not Trumps.

  3. Rich, coming from Satan's bride....

  4. Who was Liz Cheney and why should anyone care what she said?

  5. This woman(?) desperately needs therapy (preferably EST).

  6. Has Liz even glanced at what’s happening in Israel?

  7. It is clear the screen writers ended their strike: back to writing garbage.

  8. She's out of office and like any other political hack has-been, she's still trying to stroke her own ego. Nobody cares; She's just another chattering dope, now. No reason to listen, or even air her views. Her electorate have already told her what they think of her, and her Bullsh*t.

  9. Funny, I can imagine more evil than that.

    1. Well I guess we can hold one more thing to hold against this Liz Cheney person, because she also lacks the ability to use her imagination

    2. Brought to you by the Redundant Dept of Redundancy.

  10. Well when these sold-out POS politicians start talking about the attack on the White House, the capital and the country in general during the riots inflamed by politicians about the G Floyd overdose sold as police abuse they can get back to me, in the meantime they are all just lying sacks of shit...

  11. This bimbo illustrates there is no limit to sheer, utter, unfettered vile hatred especially when a career politician feels their thirst for power & control is threatened and has no moral compass to slightly mitigate the rage. This cunt's actions are on the same level with the Hamas savages massacring innocent civilians in Israel.

  12. Eat shit and die, Lizzie!

  13. She's not wrong, he called for peace and for people to go home. He let this happen. Probably not what she meant, but broken clocks and all that.

  14. Who gives a flying fuck what she thinks?!?

    1. I have to admit, this man nailed it on the head.

    2. truth, she in not relevant any more. she is not a dem and the republicans kicked her out 2 yrs ago.

  15. Liz must be super pissed knowing Trump leads his nearest challenger by almost sixty percentage points, yet she babbles on.
    She's pathetic.

  16. Liz Cheney and Hillary Clinton. Twin daughters of different mothers.

  17. Ohhh Lizzy... You have NO IDEA what I have seen or what I have imagined... For you.

  18. Do you know what's lame?

    Continuing to report on the drivel emanating from this woman's head....that's what's lame...

    1. The amount of comments it generated says otherwise.

  19. Hahaha…Lez Chain-eee.
    Flush that terd.

  20. Liz Cheney,is she still in government in any kind of way, is she still even relevant. her term expired in January 3, 2023. On November 13, 2021, the Wyoming GOP Central CoOn November 13, 2021, the Wyoming GOP Central Committee voted 31–29 to no longer recognize Cheney as a member. of the voted, 31–29 to no longer recognize Cheney as a member of the Republican party. Cheney is a neoconservative who rejects America First foreign policy. nuff said about her. i'm shure that she has taken her ill gotten gains and moved next door to nancy p. in SF. where she can do the most harm.

  21. Has that dimwit seen what happened in Israel over the weekend? How can she claim Jan 6 was worse than that?


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